Ukigumo-Agent [master](532b4f0d7b) FAIL


Elapsed Time: 24 sec

  • 532b4f0 moznion: Show warning message if sending the timeout report is failed

_ 2014-06-27T11:32:12 [INFO] [master] ukigumo-client 0.34
_ 2014-06-27T11:32:12 [INFO] [master] start testing : master
_ 2014-06-27T11:32:12 [INFO] [master] working directory : /tmp/Ukigumo-Agent/master
_ 2014-06-27T11:32:12 [INFO] [master] run vc : Ukigumo::Client::VC::Git
_ 2014-06-27T11:32:12 [INFO] [master] workdir is /tmp/Ukigumo-Agent/master
_ 2014-06-27T11:32:12 [INFO] [master] command: git pull -f origin master
_ From
_  * branch            master     -> FETCH_HEAD
_    41f2de9..532b4f0  master     -> origin/master
_ Updating 41f2de9..532b4f0
_ Fast-forward
_  lib/Ukigumo/Agent/ | 3 +++
_  1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)
_ 2014-06-27T11:32:14 [INFO] [master] command: git submodule init
_ 2014-06-27T11:32:15 [INFO] [master] command: git submodule update
_ 2014-06-27T11:32:15 [INFO] [master] command: git clean -dxf
_ Removing extlib
_ 2014-06-27T11:32:15 [INFO] [master] command: git status
_ # On branch master
_ nothing to commit, working directory clean
_ 2014-06-27T11:32:15 [INFO] [master] [before_install] cpanm -L $HOME/.ukigumo/ukigumo-agent/extlib --installdeps -n .
_ 2014-06-27T11:32:15 [INFO] [master] [install] ln -s $HOME/.ukigumo/ukigumo-agent/extlib ./extlib
_ 2014-06-27T11:32:15 [INFO] [master] run executor : Ukigumo::Client::Executor::Command
_ 2014-06-27T11:32:15 [INFO] [master] command: prove -lrv -Iextlib/lib/perl5 t
_ [11:32:16] ==> t/00_compile.t <===================
_   use Ukigumo::Agent;
_   use Ukigumo::Agent::Dispatcher;
_   use Ukigumo::Agent::View;
_   use Ukigumo::Agent::Manager;
_ ok
_ ok      901 ms
_ [11:32:16] ==> t/01_root.t <======================
_ Twiggy: Accepting connections at
_ - - [27/Jun/2014:11:32:18 +0900] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 1919 "-" "libwww-perl/6.06"
_     L11: is $res->code, 200;
_ ok
_ ok     1512 ms
_ [11:32:18] ==> t/02_github_hook_endpoint.t <======
_   Don't ignore github tags
_ Twiggy: Accepting connections at
_       push branch and successful
_ 2014-06-27T11:32:19 [INFO] payload: {"repository":{"url":""},"ref":"refs/heads/branch"} at /tmp/Ukigumo-Agent/master/t/../lib/Ukigumo/Agent/ line 53
_ - - [27/Jun/2014:11:32:19 +0900] "POST /api/github_hook HTTP/1.1" 200 110 "-" "libwww-perl/6.06"
_             L30: is $res->code, 200;
_             L31: is decode_json($res->content)->{branch}, 'branch';
_       push tag and successful
_ 2014-06-27T11:32:19 [INFO] payload: {"repository":{"url":""},"ref":"refs/tags/tag"} at /tmp/Ukigumo-Agent/master/t/../lib/Ukigumo/Agent/ line 53
_ - - [27/Jun/2014:11:32:19 +0900] "POST /api/github_hook HTTP/1.1" 200 107 "-" "libwww-perl/6.06"
_             L46: is $res->code, 200;
_             L47: is decode_json($res->content)->{branch}, 'tag';
_   push tag but do nothing when github tags are ignored
_ Twiggy: Accepting connections at
_ 2014-06-27T11:32:19 [INFO] payload: {"repository":{"url":""},"ref":"refs/tags/tag"} at /tmp/Ukigumo-Agent/master/t/../lib/Ukigumo/Agent/ line 53
_ - - [27/Jun/2014:11:32:19 +0900] "POST /api/github_hook HTTP/1.1" 200 2 "-" "libwww-perl/6.06"
_         L65: is $res->code, 200;
_         L66: is_deeply decode_json($res->content), {};
_   do nothing when ref is not in the payload
_ Twiggy: Accepting connections at
_ 2014-06-27T11:32:19 [INFO] payload: {"repository":{"url":""}} at /tmp/Ukigumo-Agent/master/t/../lib/Ukigumo/Agent/ line 53
_ - - [27/Jun/2014:11:32:19 +0900] "POST /api/github_hook HTTP/1.1" 200 2 "-" "libwww-perl/6.06"
_         L82: is $res->code, 200;
_         L83: is_deeply decode_json($res->content), {};
_   do nothing when `deleted` is true
_ Twiggy: Accepting connections at
_ 2014-06-27T11:32:20 [INFO] payload: {"repository":{"url":""},"ref":"refs/heads/branch","deleted":1} at /tmp/Ukigumo-Agent/master/t/../lib/Ukigumo/Agent/ line 53
_ - - [27/Jun/2014:11:32:20 +0900] "POST /api/github_hook HTTP/1.1" 200 2 "-" "libwww-perl/6.06"
_         L101: is $res->code, 200;
_         L102: is_deeply decode_json($res->content), {};
_   replace http URL to git-URL when `--force_git_url` is enabled
_ Twiggy: Accepting connections at
_ 2014-06-27T11:32:20 [INFO] payload: {"repository":{"url":""},"ref":"refs/heads/branch"} at /tmp/Ukigumo-Agent/master/t/../lib/Ukigumo/Agent/ line 53
_ - - [27/Jun/2014:11:32:20 +0900] "POST /api/github_hook HTTP/1.1" 200 135 "-" "libwww-perl/6.06"
_         L119: is $res->code, 200;
_         L120: is decode_json($res->content)->{repository}, '';
_ ok
_ ok     1886 ms
_ [11:32:20] ==> t/03_enqueue.t <===================
_ Twiggy: Accepting connections at
_   normal
_ - - [27/Jun/2014:11:32:20 +0900] "POST /api/v0/enqueue HTTP/1.1" 200 2 "-" "libwww-perl/6.06"
_         L25: is $res->code, 200;
_   validation error
_       branch is missing
_ - - [27/Jun/2014:11:32:20 +0900] "POST /api/v0/enqueue HTTP/1.1" 400 96 "-" "libwww-perl/6.06"
_             L36: is $res->code, 400;
_       repository is missing
_ - - [27/Jun/2014:11:32:20 +0900] "POST /api/v0/enqueue HTTP/1.1" 400 104 "-" "libwww-perl/6.06"
_             L46: is $res->code, 400;
_ ok
_ ok      571 ms
_ [11:32:20] ==> t/manager/job_queue.t <============
_   register_job
_       single child
_             L32: is $manager->register_job('foo'), 'running';
_             L33: is $manager->register_job('bar'), 'pushed';
_             L34: is $manager->register_job('buz'), 'pushed';
_             L35: is_deeply $manager->{job_queue}, ['bar', 'buz'];
_       single child without config
_             L46: is $manager->register_job('foo'), 'running';
_             L47: is $manager->register_job('bar'), 'pushed';
_             L48: is $manager->register_job('buz'), 'pushed';
_             L49: is_deeply $manager->{job_queue}, ['bar', 'buz'];
_       multi children
_             L61: is $manager->register_job('foo'), 'running';
_             L62: is $manager->register_job('bar'), 'running';
_             L63: is $manager->register_job('buz'), 'running';
_             L64: is $manager->register_job('qux'), 'pushed';
_             L65: is_deeply $manager->{job_queue}, ['qux'];
_ ok
_ ok      206 ms
_ [11:32:21] ==> t/manager/run_job/exceptional.t <==
_   exceptional
_       client died
_             L68: like $got, qr!
_       lack arguments
_             L82: ok $@;
_             L85: ok $@;
_             L88: ok $@;
_ ok
_ ok     1280 ms
_ [11:32:22] ==> t/manager/run_job/normal.t <=======
_   normal case
_       single child
_             L74: like $got, qr/
_       multi children
_             L121: like $got, qr/(?:
_             L150: ok 1;
_ ok
_ ok     7373 ms
_ [11:32:29] ==> t/manager/run_job/timeout.t <======
_   timeout
_         L77: like $got, qr/
_     #   Failed test '  L77: like $got, qr/'
_     #   at t/manager/run_job/timeout.t line 77.
_     #                   'Spawned 31271
_     # [child] timeout
_     # [child] fail on sending timeout report Attribute (elapsed_time_sec) does not pass the type constraint because: Validation failed for 'Int' with value undef at /tmp/Ukigumo-Agent/master/extlib/lib/perl5/x86_64-linux/Mouse/ line 383.
_     # 	Mouse::Util::throw_error('Mouse::Meta::Attribute=HASH(0x1df31b0)', 'Attribute (elapsed_time_sec) does not pass the type constrain...', 'data', undef, 'depth', -1) called at /tmp/Ukigumo-Agent/master/extlib/lib/perl5/Ukigumo/ line 215
_     # 	Ukigumo::Client::report_timeout('Ukigumo::Client=HASH(0x16a1d28)', '/tmp/zCDpVyLHy1') called at /tmp/Ukigumo-Agent/master/lib/Ukigumo/Agent/ line 162
_     # 	eval {...} called at /tmp/Ukigumo-Agent/master/lib/Ukigumo/Agent/ line 162
_     # 	Ukigumo::Agent::Manager::__ANON__ called at /tmp/Ukigumo-Agent/master/extlib/lib/perl5/x86_64-linux/ line 529
_     # 	eval {...} called at /tmp/Ukigumo-Agent/master/extlib/lib/perl5/x86_64-linux/ line 528
_     # 	Coro::pool_handler called at /tmp/Ukigumo-Agent/master/extlib/lib/perl5/x86_64-linux/ line 715
_     # 	Coro::_coro_run called at t/manager/run_job/timeout.t line 0
_     # 
_     # [child exit] pid: 31271, status: 15
_     # [child exit] run new job
_     # Spawned 31396
_     # [child] finished to work
_     # [child exit] pid: 31396, status: 0
_     # [child exit] There is no jobs. sleep...
_     # '
_     #     doesn't match '(?^x:
_     #         Spawned\ (\d+)\n
_     #         \[child]\ timeout\n
_     #         \[child\ exit]\ pid:\ \1,\ status:\ 15\n
_     #         \[child\ exit]\ run\ new\ job\n
_     #         (?:Spawned\ (\d+)\n|\[child]\ finished\ to\ work\n)
_     #         (?:Spawned\ (\d+)\n|\[child]\ finished\ to\ work\n)
_     #         \[child\ exit]\ pid:\ \2,\ status:\ 0\n
_     #         \[child\ exit]\ There\ is\ no\ jobs\.\ sleep\.\.\.\n
_     #     )'
_ not ok
_ Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
_ Failed 1/1 subtests [11:32:37]
_ Test Summary Report
_ -------------------
_ t/manager/run_job/timeout.t    (Wstat: 256 Tests: 1 Failed: 1)
_   Failed test:  1
_   Non-zero exit status: 1
_ Files=8, Tests=8, 22 wallclock secs ( 0.07 usr  0.02 sys +  3.00 cusr  0.75 csys =  3.84 CPU)
_ Result: FAIL
_ 2014-06-27T11:32:37 [INFO] [master] finished testing : 2