Perl-Lint [feature/testing_and_debugging/requre_test_labels](2fa10a5b49) SUCCESS


Elapsed Time: 11 sec

  • 2fa10a5 moznion: Not needed

_ 2014-05-25T00:00:15 [INFO] [feature/testing_and_debugging/requre_test_labels] ukigumo-client 0.31
_ 2014-05-25T00:00:15 [INFO] [feature/testing_and_debugging/requre_test_labels] start testing : feature/testing_and_debugging/requre_test_labels
_ 2014-05-25T00:00:15 [INFO] [feature/testing_and_debugging/requre_test_labels] working directory : /tmp/Perl-Lint/feature_testing_and_debugging_requre_test_labels
_ 2014-05-25T00:00:15 [INFO] [feature/testing_and_debugging/requre_test_labels] run vc : Ukigumo::Client::VC::Git
_ 2014-05-25T00:00:15 [INFO] [feature/testing_and_debugging/requre_test_labels] workdir is /tmp/Perl-Lint/feature_testing_and_debugging_requre_test_labels
_ 2014-05-25T00:00:15 [INFO] [feature/testing_and_debugging/requre_test_labels] command: git clone --branch feature/testing_and_debugging/requre_test_labels ./
_ Cloning into '.'...
_ 2014-05-25T00:00:18 [INFO] [feature/testing_and_debugging/requre_test_labels] command: git pull -f origin feature/testing_and_debugging/requre_test_labels
_ From
_  * branch            feature/testing_and_debugging/requre_test_labels -> FETCH_HEAD
_ Already up-to-date.
_ 2014-05-25T00:00:19 [INFO] [feature/testing_and_debugging/requre_test_labels] command: git submodule init
_ 2014-05-25T00:00:20 [INFO] [feature/testing_and_debugging/requre_test_labels] command: git submodule update
_ 2014-05-25T00:00:20 [INFO] [feature/testing_and_debugging/requre_test_labels] command: git clean -dxf
_ 2014-05-25T00:00:20 [INFO] [feature/testing_and_debugging/requre_test_labels] command: git status
_ # On branch feature/testing_and_debugging/requre_test_labels
_ nothing to commit, working directory clean
_ 2014-05-25T00:00:20 [INFO] [feature/testing_and_debugging/requre_test_labels] [before_install] cpanm -L $HOME/.ukigumo/perl-lint/extlib --installdeps -n .
_ 2014-05-25T00:00:24 [INFO] [feature/testing_and_debugging/requre_test_labels] [install] ln -s $HOME/.ukigumo/perl-lint/extlib ./extlib
_ 2014-05-25T00:00:24 [INFO] [feature/testing_and_debugging/requre_test_labels] run executor : Ukigumo::Client::Executor::Command
_ 2014-05-25T00:00:24 [INFO] [feature/testing_and_debugging/requre_test_labels] command: prove -lrv -Iextlib/lib/perl5 t
_ [00:00:25] ==> t/00_compile.t <====================================================
_   use Perl::Lint;
_ ok
_ ok      656 ms
_ [00:00:26] ==> t/Evaluate/ErrorHandling/require_carping.t <========================
_   Unspectacular die
_         L23: is scalar @$violations, 3;
_   Unspectacular warn
_         L37: is scalar @$violations, 3;
_   Carping
_         L51: is scalar @$violations, 0;
_   No croaking
_         L60: is scalar @$violations, 1;
_   Complain about cases without arguments
_         L70: is scalar @$violations, 2;
_   Complain about cases with empty list arguments
_         L80: is scalar @$violations, 2;
_   Complain about cases with non-string arguments
_         L95: is scalar @$violations, 7;
_   Don't complain if message ends with "\n" in double quotes
_         L105: is scalar @$violations, 0;
_   Don't complain if message ends with literal "\n"
_         L121: is scalar @$violations, 0;
_   Don't complain if message is a heredoc, which must end in "\n"
_         L136: is scalar @$violations, 0;
_   Complain if message ends with "\n" in single quotes
_         L146: is scalar @$violations, 2;
_   Don't complain if message ends with "\n" in interpolated quotelike operator
_         L157: is scalar @$violations, 0;
_   Complain if message ends with "\n" in non-interpolated quotelike operator
_         L168: is scalar @$violations, 3;
_   Don't complain if message is a list with a last element that ends with "\n"
_         L180: is scalar @$violations, 0;
_   Don't complain if message is a parenthesised list with a last element that ends with "\n"
_         L192: is scalar @$violations, 0;
_   Don't complain if message is a list with "sub" lists with a last (flattened list) element that ends with "\n"
_         L222: is scalar @$violations, 0;
_   Complain if message is a list with "sub" lists with a last (flattened list) element that doesn't end with "\n"
_         L253: is scalar @$violations, 10;
_   Don't complain if message is a concatenation with a last element that ends with "\n"
_         L263: is scalar @$violations, 0;
_   Don't complain if followed by postfix operator and otherwise valid
_         L298: is scalar @$violations, 0;
_   Complain if followed by postfix operator with "\n" ending last operand and otherwise invalid.
_         L333: is scalar @$violations, 24;
_   Complain if message has a last element that ends with "\n" but has an operation in front
_         L350: is scalar @$violations, 8;
_   Complain if config doesn't allow newlines.
_         L363: is scalar @$violations, 1;
_   Complain if in main:: and option not set
_         L374: is scalar @$violations, 1;
_   Don't complain if in main:: and option set (RT #56619)
_         L389: is scalar @$violations, 0;
_   Don't complain if implicitly in main:: and option set
_         L402: is scalar @$violations, 0;
_   Complain if in main:: but in subroutine
_         L417: is scalar @$violations, 1;
_   Complain if in main:: but in anonymous subroutine
_         L432: is scalar @$violations, 1;
_   Don't complain about obvious uses of references because they're likely being used as exception objects.
_         L466: is scalar @$violations, 0;
_ ok
_ ok      166 ms
_ [00:00:26] ==> t/Evaluate/ErrorHandling/require_checking_return_value_of_eval.t <==
_   Basic Failure
_   Assignment
_   Assignment with comma separated statements.
_   if
_   foreach
_   C-style for with eval in condition or assignment
_   C-style for with eval in initialization or increment with no assignment
_   while
_   Postfix if
_   Ternary
_   Postfix foreach
_   First value in comma-separated list in condition
_   Last value in comma-separated list in condition
_   Last value in comma-separated list that isn't the last element in another list in condition
_   "Proper" handling of return value
_   A grep is a check -- RT \#69489
_ ok
_ ok      307 ms
_ [00:00:26] ==> t/Evaluate/NamingConventions/Capitalization.t <=====================
_   Basic Passes
_   Basic Failures
_   Special case: main
_   Combined passes and fails
_   Variables from other packages should pass
_   Only cares about declarations
_   Constants must be all caps, passes
_   Constants must be all caps, failures
_   PPI misparses part of ternary as a label (RT \#41170, imported from Perl::Critic)
_ ok
_ ok       98 ms
_ [00:00:27] ==> t/Evaluate/NamingConventions/ProhibitAmbiguousNames.t <=============
_   Basic failures.
_   Ambiguous word in compound name.
_   Basic passes.
_   Ambiguous name on rhs.
_   Ambiguous, but exempt by convention
_   Custom null configuration
_   Custom configuration: "foo bar baz quux"
_   Custom configuration: "foo bar baz quux"
_   Custom null configuration
_ ok
_ ok       99 ms
_ [00:00:27] ==> t/Evaluate/Objects/indirect_syntax.t <==============================
_   basic passes
_         L25: is scalar @$violations, 0;
_   basic failures
_         L43: is scalar @$violations, 6;
_   specify name of subroutine to check
_       unchecked indirect objects
_             L70: is scalar @$violations, 0;
_       checked indirect objects
_             L80: is scalar @$violations, 10;
_ ok
_ ok       92 ms
_ [00:00:27] ==> t/Evaluate/TestingAndDebugging/prohibit_no_strict.t <===============
_   strictures disabled
_   selective strictures disabled
_   selective strictures disabled
_   allowed no strict
_   partially allowed no strict
_   partially allowed no strict
_   allow no strict, mixed case config
_   allow no strict, comma-delimimted config
_   wrong case, funky config
_ ok
_ ok      101 ms
_ [00:00:27] ==> t/Evaluate/TestingAndDebugging/require_test_labels.t <==============
_   standard failures
_ ok
_ ok       91 ms
_ [00:00:27] ==> t/Evaluate/Variables/augumented_assignment_in_declaration.t <=======
_   Normal assignment ok
_         L20: is_deeply $violations, [];
_   Normal assignment with operators ok
_         L31: is_deeply $violations, [];
_   real life regression
_         L44: is_deeply $violations, [];
_   scalar augumented assignment
_         L119: is scalar @$violations, 52;
_   real life examples
_         L136: is scalar @$violations, 8;
_ ok
_ ok       96 ms
_ [00:00:27] ==> t/Evaluate/Variables/conditional_declarations.t <===================
_   with if at post-position
_         L22: is scalar @$violations, 4;
_   with unless at post-position
_         L35: is scalar @$violations, 4;
_   with while at post-position
_         L47: is scalar @$violations, 4;
_   with for at post-position
_         L59: is scalar @$violations, 4;
_   with foreach at post-position
_         L71: is scalar @$violations, 4;
_   passing cases
_         L92: is scalar @$violations, 0;
_   local is exempt
_         L108: is scalar @$violations, 0;
_ ok
_ ok       94 ms
_ [00:00:27]
_ All tests successful.
_ Files=10, Tests=10,  2 wallclock secs ( 0.08 usr  0.02 sys +  0.84 cusr  0.15 csys =  1.09 CPU)
_ Result: PASS
_ 2014-05-25T00:00:27 [INFO] [feature/testing_and_debugging/requre_test_labels] finished testing : 1