Perl-Lint [master](c74128b6c2) SUCCESS


Elapsed Time: 44 sec

  • c74128b moznion: Merge pull request #100 from tomhukins/b_keywords_again
  • 32a6117 Tom Hukins: Fix interaction with B::Keywords properly

_ 2016-05-24T15:07:28 [INFO] [master] ukigumo-client 0.36
_ 2016-05-24T15:07:28 [INFO] [master] start testing : master
_ 2016-05-24T15:07:28 [INFO] [master] working directory : /tmp/Perl-Lint/master
_ 2016-05-24T15:07:28 [INFO] [master] run vc : Ukigumo::Client::VC::Git
_ 2016-05-24T15:07:28 [INFO] [master] workdir is /tmp/Perl-Lint/master
_ 2016-05-24T15:07:28 [INFO] [master] command: git pull -f origin master
_ From
_  * branch            master     -> FETCH_HEAD
_    c8e45e8..c74128b  master     -> origin/master
_ Updating c8e45e8..c74128b
_ Fast-forward
_  .../Variables/require_localized_punctuation_vars.t     | 18 ++++++------------
_  1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
_ 2016-05-24T15:07:31 [INFO] [master] command: git submodule init
_ 2016-05-24T15:07:31 [INFO] [master] command: git submodule update
_ 2016-05-24T15:07:31 [INFO] [master] command: git clean -dxf
_ Removing extlib
_ 2016-05-24T15:07:31 [INFO] [master] command: git status
_ # On branch master
_ nothing to commit, working directory clean
_ 2016-05-24T15:07:31 [INFO] [master] [before_install] cpanm -L $HOME/.ukigumo/perl-lint/extlib --installdeps -n .
_ 2016-05-24T15:07:31 [INFO] [master] [install] ln -s $HOME/.ukigumo/perl-lint/extlib ./extlib
_ 2016-05-24T15:07:31 [INFO] [master] [before_script] perl t/Policy/Variables/require_localized_punctuation_vars.PL
_ 2016-05-24T15:07:31 [INFO] [master] [before_script] perl t/Policy/ControlStructures/prohibit_negative_expressions_in_unless_and_until_conditions.PL
_ 2016-05-24T15:07:31 [INFO] [master] [before_script] perl t/Policy/NamingConventions/capitalization.PL
_ 2016-05-24T15:07:31 [INFO] [master] run executor : Ukigumo::Client::Executor::Command
_ 2016-05-24T15:07:31 [INFO] [master] command: prove -lrv -j3 -Iextlib/lib/perl5 t
_ t/Filter/LikePerlCritic.t .................................................................. 
_     # Subtest: Brutal ok
_     ok 1
_     1..1
_ ok 1 - Brutal ok
_     # Subtest: Cruel ok
_     ok 1
_     1..1
_ ok 2 - Cruel ok
_     # Subtest: Harsh ok
_     ok 1
_     1..1
_ ok 3 - Harsh ok
_     # Subtest: Stern ok
_     ok 1
_     1..1
_ ok 4 - Stern ok
_     # Subtest: Gentle ok
_     ok 1
_     1..1
_ ok 5 - Gentle ok
_ 1..5
_ ok
_ t/00_compile.t ............................................................................. 
_ ok 1 - use Perl::Lint;
_ 1..1
_ ok
_ t/Policy/BuiltinFunctions/prohibit_boolean_grep.t .......................................... 
_ ok 1 - Basic passing
_ ok 2 - Counting is allowed
_ ok 3 - Non-boolean in conditional
_ ok 4 - For loop is not conditional
_ ok 5 - Control structures
_ ok 6 - Postfix control structures
_ ok 7 - Complex booleans
_ ok 8 - Complex booleans
_ ok 9 - Complex booleans
_ ok 10 - Complex booleans
_ ok 11 - Complex booleans
_ ok 12 - Complex booleans
_ ok 13 - code coverage...
_ ok 14 - code coverage...
_ ok 15 - no lint
_ 1..15
_ ok
_ t/Policy/BuiltinFunctions/prohibit_complex_mappings.t ...................................... 
_ ok 1 - Basic passing
_ ok 2 - Basic failure
_ ok 3 - Compound statements (false negative)
_ ok 4 - Vary config parameters: success
_ ok 5 - Vary config parameters: failue
_ ok 6 - no lint
_ 1..6
_ ok
_ t/01_filter_policise.t ..................................................................... 
_     # Subtest: Ignore with simple policy
_         # Subtest: Should success filtering policies
_         ok 1
_         1..1
_     ok 1 - Should success filtering policies
_         # Subtest: Should die when it gives invalid type to `ignore`
_         ok 1
_         1..1
_     ok 2 - Should die when it gives invalid type to `ignore`
_     1..2
_ ok 1 - Ignore with simple policy
_     # Subtest: Ignore with filter
_         # Subtest: Should success filtering policies with filter
_         ok 1
_         1..1
_     ok 1 - Should success filtering policies with filter
_         # Subtest: Should die when it gives invalid type to `filter`
_         ok 1
_         1..1
_     ok 2 - Should die when it gives invalid type to `filter`
_     1..2
_ ok 2 - Ignore with filter
_ 1..2
_ ok
_ t/Policy/BuiltinFunctions/prohibit_lvalue_substr.t ......................................... 
_ ok 1 - lvalue
_ ok 2 - 4 arg substr
_ ok 3 - rvalue
_ ok 4 - hash rvalue
_ ok 5 - substr as word
_ ok 6 - low precedence boolean blocks assignment
_ ok 7 - allow under really old Perl. RT \#59112
_ ok 8 - no lint
_ 1..8
_ ok
_ t/Policy/BuiltinFunctions/prohibit_sleep_via_select.t ...................................... 
_ ok 1 - sleep, as list
_ ok 2 - sleep, as list w/var
_ ok 3 - sleep, as built-in
_ ok 4 - select on read
_ ok 5 - select on write
_ ok 6 - select on error
_ ok 7 - select as word
_ ok 8 - With three undefs, none of them the timeout. RT \#37416
_ ok 9 - no lint
_ 1..9
_ ok
_ t/Policy/BuiltinFunctions/prohibit_reverse_sort_block.t .................................... 
_ ok 1 - Basic passing
_ ok 2 - Basic passing /w cmp
_ ok 3 - Basic failure
_ ok 4 - Basic failure w/ cmp
_ ok 5 - Things that might look like sorts, but aren't, and sorts not involving $a and $b.
_ ok 6 - Things that might look like sorts, but aren't, and sorts not involving $a and $b w/ cmp
_ ok 7 - no lint
_ 1..7
_ ok
_ t/Policy/BuiltinFunctions/prohibit_stringy_split.t ......................................... 
_ ok 1 - Basic passing
_ ok 2 - Basic failure
_ ok 3 - Special split on space
_ ok 4 - Split oddities
_ ok 5 - no lint
_ 1..5
_ ok
_ t/Policy/BuiltinFunctions/prohibit_universal_can.t ......................................... 
_ ok 1 - Basic passing
_ ok 2 - Basic failure
_ ok 3 - no lint
_ 1..3
_ ok
_ t/Policy/BuiltinFunctions/prohibit_universal_isa.t ......................................... 
_ ok 1 - Basic passing
_ ok 2 - Basic failure
_ ok 3 - no lint
_ 1..3
_ ok
_ t/Policy/BuiltinFunctions/prohibit_useless_topic.t ......................................... 
_ ok 1 - Topics in a filetest
_ ok 2 - Topics in a filetest: -t $_ is not useless because -t defaults to STDIN
_ ok 3 - Topics in a function call, with parens
_ ok 4 - Topics in a function call, no parens
_ ok 5 - Function calls with $_ but in ways that should not be flagged.
_ ok 6 - no lint
_ 1..6
_ ok
_ t/Policy/BuiltinFunctions/prohibit_stringy_eval.t .......................................... 
_ ok 1 - Basic passing
_ ok 2 - Basic failure
_ ok 3 - Things that might look like an eval, but aren't
_ ok 4 - Eval of include statement without allow_includes set
_ ok 5 - Eval of include statement without allow_includes set q/ quote string
_ ok 6 - Eval of include statement with allow_includes set
_ ok 7 - Eval of include statement with allow_includes set w/ quote string
_ ok 8 - Eval of include statement with allow_includes set but extra stuff afterwards
_ ok 9 - Eval of "no" include statement with allow_includes set
_ ok 10 - Eval a comment (RT \#60179)
_ ok 11 - no lint
_ 1..11
_ ok
_ t/Policy/BuiltinFunctions/prohibit_void_grep.t ............................................. 
_ ok 1 - Basic passing
_ ok 2 - Basic failure
_ ok 3 - Comma operator
_ ok 4 - Chained void grep
_ ok 5 - grep (RT \#79289)
_ ok 6 - no lint
_ 1..6
_ ok
_ t/Policy/BuiltinFunctions/prohibit_void_map.t .............................................. 
_ ok 1 - Basic passing
_ ok 2 - Basic failure
_ ok 3 - Chained void map
_ ok 4 - not builtin map
_ ok 5 - Subscript map (derived from Perl::Critic RT \#79289)
_ ok 6 - no lint
_ 1..6
_ ok
_ t/Policy/BuiltinFunctions/require_block_map.t .............................................. 
_ ok 1 - Basic passing
_ ok 2 - Basic failure
_ ok 3 - Things that may look like a map, but aren't
_ ok 4 - no lint
_ 1..4
_ ok
_ t/Policy/BuiltinFunctions/require_block_grep.t ............................................. 
_ ok 1 - Basic passing
_ ok 2 - Basic failure
_ ok 3 - Things that may look like a grep, but aren't
_ ok 4 - no lint
_ 1..4
_ ok
_ t/Policy/BuiltinFunctions/require_glob_function.t .......................................... 
_ ok 1 - glob via <...>
_ ok 2 - glob via <...> in foreach
_ ok 3 - Multiple globs via <...>
_ ok 4 - I/O
_ ok 5 - no lint
_ 1..5
_ ok
_ t/Policy/BuiltinFunctions/require_simple_sort_block.t ...................................... 
_ ok 1 - Basic passing
_ ok 2 - Basic failure
_ ok 3 - Potential false positives
_ ok 4 - no lint
_ 1..4
_ ok
_ t/Policy/ClassHierarchies/prohibit_autoloading.t ........................................... 
_ ok 1 - Basic passing
_ ok 2 - Empty AUTOLOAD()
_ ok 3 - AUTOLOAD() with code
_ ok 4 - Empty AUTOLOAD()
_ 1..4
_ ok
_ t/Policy/ClassHierarchies/prohibit_explicit_isa.t .......................................... 
_ ok 1 - Basic passing
_ ok 2 - Basic failure
_ ok 3 - Basic failure
_ 1..3
_ ok
_ t/Policy/ClassHierarchies/prohibit_one_arg_bless.t ......................................... 
_ ok 1 - Basic passing
_ ok 2 - Basic failure
_ ok 3 - no lint
_ 1..3
_ ok
_ t/Policy/CodeLayout/prohibit_parens_with_builtins.t ........................................ 
_ ok 1 - Basic failure
_ ok 2 - Basic passing
_ ok 3 - Method invocation
_ ok 4 - Unary operators with parens, followed by a high-precedence operator
_ ok 5 - RT \#21713
_ ok 6 - Parentheses with greedy functions
_ ok 7 - Test cases from RT
_ ok 8 - High-precedence operator after parentheses
_ ok 9 - Low-precedence operator after parentheses
_ ok 10 - Named unary op with operator inside parenthesis (RT \#46862)
_ ok 11 - Handling sort having subroutine name as an argument
_ ok 12 - RT 52029 - Accept parens with 'state'
_ ok 13 - no lint
_ 1..13
_ ok
_ t/Policy/CodeLayout/prohibit_quoted_word_lists.t ........................................... 
_ ok 1 - Basic failure
_ ok 2 - Non-word lists
_ ok 3 - Basic passing
_ ok 4 - Three elements with minimum set to four
_ ok 5 - Four elements with minimum set to four
_ ok 6 - Failing 'use' statements
_ ok 7 - Passing 'use' statements
_ ok 8 - Non-word lists in strict mode.
_ ok 9 - no lint
_ 1..9
_ ok
_ t/Policy/CodeLayout/require_trailing_commas.t .............................................. 
_ ok 1 - Basic passing
_ ok 2 - Basic failure
_ ok 3 - List assignment
_ ok 4 - Conditionals and mathematical precedence
_ ok 5 - code coverage
_ ok 6 - no lint
_ 1..6
_ ok
_ t/Policy/ControlStructures/prohibit_cstyle_for_loops.t ..................................... 
_ ok 1 - Basic passing
_ ok 2 - Basic failure
_ ok 3 - no lint
_ 1..3
_ ok
_ t/Policy/ControlStructures/prohibit_cascading_if_else.t .................................... 
_ ok 1 - Basic passing
_ ok 2 - Basic failure
_ ok 3 - With custom max_elsif value.
_ ok 4 - no lint
_ 1..4
_ ok
_ t/Policy/ControlStructures/prohibit_labels_with_special_block_names.t ...................... 
_ ok 1 - Basic passing
_ ok 2 - Failure, cuddled colon
_ ok 3 - Failure, uncuddled colon
_ ok 4 - no lint
_ 1..4
_ ok
_ t/Policy/ControlStructures/prohibit_deep_nests.t ........................................... 
_ ok 1 - 6 for loops
_ ok 2 - 6 if blocks
_ ok 3 - 6 if blocks, not nested
_ ok 4 - 6 for loops, not nested
_ ok 5 - 6 mixed nests
_ ok 6 - Configurable
_ ok 7 - With postfixes
_ ok 8 - 5 if blocks and one hash access
_ ok 9 - 5 if blocks and one hash reference access
_ ok 10 - 5 if blocks and one eval block
_ ok 11 - 5 if blocks and one anon sub block
_ ok 12 - no lint
_ 1..12
_ ok
_ t/Policy/ControlStructures/prohibit_mutating_list_functions.t .............................. 
_ ok 1 - Assignment and op-assignment
_ ok 2 - ++ and -- operators
_ ok 3 - Explicit regexes
_ ok 4 - Simple implicit regexps
_ ok 5 - "Hidden" implicit regexps
_ ok 6 - Implicit chomp-ish builtins
_ ok 7 - Explicit chomp-ish builtins
_ ok 8 - substr
_ ok 9 - Non-mutators
_ ok 10 - Value given for list_funcs passing
_ ok 11 - Value given for list_funcs failure
_ ok 12 - Value given for add_list_funcs
_ ok 13 - Accept non-mutating tr/// function. RT 44515
_ ok 14 - Recognize mutating tr/// function. RT 44515
_ ok 15 - Recognize non-mutating s///r function introduced in 5.13.2.
_ ok 16 - Recognize non-mutating tr///r function introduced in 5.13.7.
_ ok 17 - no lint
_ 1..17
_ ok
_ t/Policy/ControlStructures/prohibit_negative_expressions_in_unless_and_until_conditions.t .. 
_ ok 1 - "!" within positive control structures
_ ok 2 - "!" within positive postfix statement modifiers
_ ok 3 - "!" within negative control structures
_ ok 4 - "!" within negative postfix statement modifiers
_ ok 5 - "not" within positive control structures
_ ok 6 - "not" within positive postfix statement modifiers
_ ok 7 - "not" within negative control structures
_ ok 8 - "not" within negative postfix statement modifiers
_ ok 9 - "ne" within positive control structures
_ ok 10 - "ne" within positive postfix statement modifiers
_ ok 11 - "ne" within negative control structures
_ ok 12 - "ne" within negative postfix statement modifiers
_ ok 13 - "!=" within positive control structures
_ ok 14 - "!=" within positive postfix statement modifiers
_ ok 15 - "!=" within negative control structures
_ ok 16 - "!=" within negative postfix statement modifiers
_ ok 17 - "<" within positive control structures
_ ok 18 - "<" within positive postfix statement modifiers
_ ok 19 - "<" within negative control structures
_ ok 20 - "<" within negative postfix statement modifiers
_ ok 21 - ">" within positive control structures
_ ok 22 - ">" within positive postfix statement modifiers
_ ok 23 - ">" within negative control structures
_ ok 24 - ">" within negative postfix statement modifiers
_ ok 25 - "<=" within positive control structures
_ ok 26 - "<=" within positive postfix statement modifiers
_ ok 27 - "<=" within negative control structures
_ ok 28 - "<=" within negative postfix statement modifiers
_ ok 29 - ">=" within positive control structures
_ ok 30 - ">=" within positive postfix statement modifiers
_ ok 31 - ">=" within negative control structures
_ ok 32 - ">=" within negative postfix statement modifiers
_ ok 33 - "<=>" within positive control structures
_ ok 34 - "<=>" within positive postfix statement modifiers
_ ok 35 - "<=>" within negative control structures
_ ok 36 - "<=>" within negative postfix statement modifiers
_ ok 37 - "lt" within positive control structures
_ ok 38 - "lt" within positive postfix statement modifiers
_ ok 39 - "lt" within negative control structures
_ ok 40 - "lt" within negative postfix statement modifiers
_ ok 41 - "gt" within positive control structures
_ ok 42 - "gt" within positive postfix statement modifiers
_ ok 43 - "gt" within negative control structures
_ ok 44 - "gt" within negative postfix statement modifiers
_ ok 45 - "le" within positive control structures
_ ok 46 - "le" within positive postfix statement modifiers
_ ok 47 - "le" within negative control structures
_ ok 48 - "le" within negative postfix statement modifiers
_ ok 49 - "ge" within positive control structures
_ ok 50 - "ge" within positive postfix statement modifiers
_ ok 51 - "ge" within negative control structures
_ ok 52 - "ge" within negative postfix statement modifiers
_ ok 53 - "cmp" within positive control structures
_ ok 54 - "cmp" within positive postfix statement modifiers
_ ok 55 - "cmp" within negative control structures
_ ok 56 - "cmp" within negative postfix statement modifiers
_ ok 57 - "!~" within positive control structures
_ ok 58 - "!~" within positive postfix statement modifiers
_ ok 59 - "!~" within negative control structures
_ ok 60 - "!~" within negative postfix statement modifiers
_ ok 61 - no lint
_ ok 62 - "ne" within positive control structures
_ ok 63 - "ne" within positive postfix statement modifiers
_ ok 64 - "ne" within negative control structures
_ ok 65 - "ne" within negative postfix statement modifiers
_ ok 66 - "!=" within positive control structures
_ ok 67 - "!=" within positive postfix statement modifiers
_ ok 68 - "!=" within negative control structures
_ ok 69 - "!=" within negative postfix statement modifiers
_ ok 70 - "<" within positive control structures
_ ok 71 - "<" within positive postfix statement modifiers
_ ok 72 - "<" within negative control structures
_ ok 73 - "<" within negative postfix statement modifiers
_ ok 74 - ">" within positive control structures
_ ok 75 - ">" within positive postfix statement modifiers
_ ok 76 - ">" within negative control structures
_ ok 77 - ">" within negative postfix statement modifiers
_ ok 78 - "<=" within positive control structures
_ ok 79 - "<=" within positive postfix statement modifiers
_ ok 80 - "<=" within negative control structures
_ ok 81 - "<=" within negative postfix statement modifiers
_ ok 82 - ">=" within positive control structures
_ ok 83 - ">=" within positive postfix statement modifiers
_ ok 84 - ">=" within negative control structures
_ ok 85 - ">=" within negative postfix statement modifiers
_ ok 86 - "<=>" within positive control structures
_ ok 87 - "<=>" within positive postfix statement modifiers
_ ok 88 - "<=>" within negative control structures
_ ok 89 - "<=>" within negative postfix statement modifiers
_ ok 90 - "lt" within positive control structures
_ ok 91 - "lt" within positive postfix statement modifiers
_ ok 92 - "lt" within negative control structures
_ ok 93 - "lt" within negative postfix statement modifiers
_ ok 94 - "gt" within positive control structures
_ ok 95 - "gt" within positive postfix statement modifiers
_ ok 96 - "gt" within negative control structures
_ ok 97 - "gt" within negative postfix statement modifiers
_ ok 98 - "le" within positive control structures
_ ok 99 - "le" within positive postfix statement modifiers
_ ok 100 - "le" within negative control structures
_ ok 101 - "le" within negative postfix statement modifiers
_ ok 102 - "ge" within positive control structures
_ ok 103 - "ge" within positive postfix statement modifiers
_ ok 104 - "ge" within negative control structures
_ ok 105 - "ge" within negative postfix statement modifiers
_ ok 106 - "cmp" within positive control structures
_ ok 107 - "cmp" within positive postfix statement modifiers
_ ok 108 - "cmp" within negative control structures
_ ok 109 - "cmp" within negative postfix statement modifiers
_ 1..109
_ ok
_ t/Policy/ControlStructures/prohibit_unreachable_code.t ..................................... 
_ ok 1 - Basic passing
_ ok 2 - Basic failure
_ ok 3 - Compile-time code
_ ok 4 - __DATA__ section
_ ok 5 - __END__ section
_ ok 6 - RT \#36080
_ ok 7 - RT \#41734
_ ok 8 - failure with exiting statement twice
_ ok 9 - no lint
_ 1..9
_ ok
_ t/Policy/ControlStructures/prohibit_unless_blocks.t ........................................ 
_ ok 1 - Basic passing
_ ok 2 - Basic failure
_ ok 3 - Basic failure
_ 1..3
_ ok
_ t/Policy/ControlStructures/prohibit_until_blocks.t ......................................... 
_ ok 1 - Basic passing
_ ok 2 - Basic failure
_ ok 3 - no lint
_ 1..3
_ ok
_ t/Policy/ControlStructures/prohibit_postfix_controls.t ..................................... 
_ ok 1 - Basic failure
_ ok 2 - Configured to allow all
_ ok 3 - Configured to allow all, all regular control structures
_ ok 4 - Regular for loops
_ ok 5 - Regular given/when
_ ok 6 - Legal postfix if usage
_ ok 7 - Legal postfix when usage
_ ok 8 - override exempt flowcontrols
_ ok 9 - overriding exempt flowcontrols restores the defaults
_ ok 10 - Individual "keyword" hash assignment
_ ok 11 - "Keyword"-list hash assignment
_ ok 12 - RT \#48422: Allow flow control method calls
_ ok 13 - no lint
_ 1..13
_ ok
_ t/Policy/ErrorHandling/require_checking_return_value_of_eval.t ............................. 
_ ok 1 - Basic Failure
_ ok 2 - Assignment
_ ok 3 - Assignment with comma separated statements.
_ ok 4 - if
_ ok 5 - foreach
_ ok 6 - C-style for with eval in condition or assignment
_ ok 7 - C-style for with eval in initialization or increment with no assignment
_ ok 8 - while
_ ok 9 - Postfix if
_ ok 10 - Ternary
_ ok 11 - Postfix foreach
_ ok 12 - First value in comma-separated list in condition
_ ok 13 - Last value in comma-separated list in condition
_ ok 14 - Last value in comma-separated list that isn't the last element in another list in condition
_ ok 15 - "Proper" handling of return value
_ ok 16 - A grep is a check -- RT \#69489
_ ok 17 - no lint
_ 1..17
_ ok
_ t/Policy/InputOutput/prohibit_backtick_operators.t ......................................... 
_ ok 1 - Basic failures
_ ok 2 - Passing with only_in_void_context
_ ok 3 - Failure with only_in_void_context
_ ok 4 - no lint
_ 1..4
_ ok
_ t/Policy/InputOutput/prohibit_bareword_file_handles.t ...................................... 
_ ok 1 - standard filehandles are OK
_ ok 2 - basic failures
_ ok 3 - basic passes
_ ok 4 - no lint
_ 1..4
_ ok
_ t/Policy/ErrorHandling/require_carping.t ................................................... 
_     # Subtest: Unspectacular die
_     ok 1
_     1..1
_ ok 1 - Unspectacular die
_     # Subtest: Unspectacular warn
_     ok 1
_     1..1
_ ok 2 - Unspectacular warn
_     # Subtest: Carping
_     ok 1
_     1..1
_ ok 3 - Carping
_     # Subtest: No croaking
_     ok 1
_     1..1
_ ok 4 - No croaking
_     # Subtest: Complain about cases without arguments
_     ok 1
_     1..1
_ ok 5 - Complain about cases without arguments
_     # Subtest: Complain about cases with empty list arguments
_     ok 1
_     1..1
_ ok 6 - Complain about cases with empty list arguments
_     # Subtest: Complain about cases with non-string arguments
_     ok 1
_     1..1
_ ok 7 - Complain about cases with non-string arguments
_     # Subtest: Don't complain if message ends with "\n" in double quotes
_     ok 1
_     1..1
_ ok 8 - Don't complain if message ends with "\n" in double quotes
_     # Subtest: Don't complain if message ends with literal "\n"
_     ok 1
_     1..1
_ ok 9 - Don't complain if message ends with literal "\n"
_     # Subtest: Don't complain if message is a heredoc, which must end in "\n"
_     ok 1
_     1..1
_ ok 10 - Don't complain if message is a heredoc, which must end in "\n"
_     # Subtest: Complain if message ends with "\n" in single quotes
_     ok 1
_     1..1
_ ok 11 - Complain if message ends with "\n" in single quotes
_     # Subtest: Don't complain if message ends with "\n" in interpolated quotelike operator
_     ok 1
_     1..1
_ ok 12 - Don't complain if message ends with "\n" in interpolated quotelike operator
_     # Subtest: Complain if message ends with "\n" in non-interpolated quotelike operator
_     ok 1
_     1..1
_ ok 13 - Complain if message ends with "\n" in non-interpolated quotelike operator
_     # Subtest: Don't complain if message is a list with a last element that ends with "\n"
_     ok 1
_     1..1
_ ok 14 - Don't complain if message is a list with a last element that ends with "\n"
_     # Subtest: Don't complain if message is a parenthesised list with a last element that ends with "\n"
_     ok 1
_     1..1
_ ok 15 - Don't complain if message is a parenthesised list with a last element that ends with "\n"
_     # Subtest: Don't complain if message is a list with "sub" lists with a last (flattened list) element that ends with "\n"
_     ok 1
_     1..1
_ ok 16 - Don't complain if message is a list with "sub" lists with a last (flattened list) element that ends with "\n"
_     # Subtest: Complain if message is a list with "sub" lists with a last (flattened list) element that doesn't end with "\n"
_     ok 1
_     1..1
_ ok 17 - Complain if message is a list with "sub" lists with a last (flattened list) element that doesn't end with "\n"
_     # Subtest: Don't complain if message is a concatenation with a last element that ends with "\n"
_     ok 1
_     1..1
_ ok 18 - Don't complain if message is a concatenation with a last element that ends with "\n"
_     # Subtest: Don't complain if followed by postfix operator and otherwise valid
_     ok 1
_     1..1
_ ok 19 - Don't complain if followed by postfix operator and otherwise valid
_     # Subtest: Complain if followed by postfix operator with "\n" ending last operand and otherwise invalid.
_     ok 1
_     1..1
_ ok 20 - Complain if followed by postfix operator with "\n" ending last operand and otherwise invalid.
_     # Subtest: Complain if message has a last element that ends with "\n" but has an operation in front
_     ok 1
_     1..1
_ ok 21 - Complain if message has a last element that ends with "\n" but has an operation in front
_     # Subtest: Complain if config doesn't allow newlines.
_     ok 1
_     1..1
_ ok 22 - Complain if config doesn't allow newlines.
_     # Subtest: Complain if in main:: and option not set
_     ok 1
_     1..1
_ ok 23 - Complain if in main:: and option not set
_     # Subtest: Don't complain if in main:: and option set (RT #56619)
_     ok 1
_     1..1
_ ok 24 - Don't complain if in main:: and option set (RT \#56619)
_     # Subtest: Don't complain if implicitly in main:: and option set
_     ok 1
_     1..1
_ ok 25 - Don't complain if implicitly in main:: and option set
_     # Subtest: Complain if in main:: but in subroutine
_     ok 1
_     1..1
_ ok 26 - Complain if in main:: but in subroutine
_     # Subtest: Complain if in main:: but in anonymous subroutine
_     ok 1
_     1..1
_ ok 27 - Complain if in main:: but in anonymous subroutine
_     # Subtest: Don't complain about obvious uses of references because they're likely being used as exception objects.
_     ok 1
_     1..1
_ ok 28 - Don't complain about obvious uses of references because they're likely being used as exception objects.
_     # Subtest: no lint
_     ok 1
_     1..1
_ ok 29 - no lint
_ 1..29
_ ok
_ t/Policy/InputOutput/prohibit_explicit_stdin.t ............................................. 
_ ok 1 - basic passes
_ ok 2 - basic failures
_ ok 3 - ppi failures
_ ok 4 - no lint
_ 1..4
_ ok
_ t/Policy/InputOutput/prohibit_interactice_test.t ........................................... 
_ ok 1 - basic failures
_ ok 2 - basic passes
_ ok 3 - no lint
_ 1..3
_ ok
_ t/Policy/InputOutput/prohibit_joined_readline.t ............................................ 
_ ok 1 - basic passes
_ ok 2 - basic failures
_ ok 3 - ppi failures
_ ok 4 - code coverage
_ ok 5 - no lint
_ 1..5
_ ok
_ t/Policy/InputOutput/prohibit_one_arg_select.t ............................................. 
_ ok 1 - 1 arg; variable w/parens
_ ok 2 - 1 arg; variable, as built-in
_ ok 3 - 1 arg; fh, w/parens
_ ok 4 - 1 arg; fh, as built-in
_ ok 5 - 4 args
_ ok 6 - RT Bug \#15653
_ ok 7 - no lint
_ 1..7
_ ok
_ t/Policy/InputOutput/prohibit_readline_in_for_loop.t ....................................... 
_ ok 1 - basic failures
_ ok 2 - basic passes
_ ok 3 - no lint
_ 1..3
_ ok
_ t/Policy/InputOutput/prohibit_two_arg_open.t ............................................... 
_ ok 1 - basic failures
_ ok 2 - basic passes
_ ok 3 - no three-arg equivalent passes
_ ok 4 - pass with "use 5.005"
_ ok 5 - fail with "use 5.006"
_ ok 6 - rt44554 two arg open should fail
_ ok 7 - no lint
_ 1..7
_ ok
_ t/Policy/InputOutput/require_breced_file_handle_with_print.t ............................... 
_ ok 1 - basic failures (print)
_ ok 2 - basic failures (printf)
_ ok 3 - more arcane passes (print)
_ ok 4 - more arcane passes (printf)
_ ok 5 - more bracing arcana (print)
_ ok 6 - more bracing arcana (printf)
_ ok 7 - RT \#49500: say violations
_ ok 8 - RT \#49500: say compliances
_ ok 9 - no lint
_ 1..9
_ ok
_ t/Policy/InputOutput/require_brief_open.t .................................................. 
_ ok 1 - open .. close
_ ok 2 - OO
_ ok 3 - else
_ ok 4 - while .. print
_ ok 5 - basic failures
_ ok 6 - lexical wrong name failure
_ ok 7 - scope failure
_ ok 8 - glob scope failure; no longer fails w/ RT \#64437 applied.
_ ok 9 - glob filehandle
_ ok 10 - glob failure
_ ok 11 - glob wrong name failure
_ ok 12 - we do not flag non-uppercase globs -- maybe it is a sub call
_ ok 13 - fail blocks
_ ok 14 - allow std handles
_ ok 15 - allow std globs in blocks
_ ok 16 - config - pass at default
_ ok 17 - config - fail at one after default
_ ok 18 - config - set lines to 2
_ ok 19 - nested sub
_ ok 20 - opener sub
_ ok 21 - long opener sub failure
_ ok 22 - opener sub failure
_ ok 23 - unusual lexical syntax
_ ok 24 - code coverage - unsupported open() calls
_ ok 25 - code coverage - glob topic for method call
_ ok 26 - code coverage - close is not a function or method call
_ ok 27 - code coverage - FH is not a glob or scalar
_ ok 28 - CORE::close() - RT \#52391
_ ok 29 - CORE::GLOBAL::close()
_ ok 30 - CORE::open()
_ ok 31 - CORE::GLOBAL::open()
_ ok 32 - Handle declared in outer scope RT \#64437
_ ok 33 - no lint
_ 1..33
_ ok
_ t/Policy/InputOutput/require_checked_open.t ................................................ 
_ ok 1 - passes by assigning error variable
_ ok 2 - passes by "or die"
_ ok 3 - passes by "|| die"
_ ok 4 - passes by "unless"
_ ok 5 - passes by "if not"
_ ok 6 - passes with "if" statement
_ ok 7 - Basic failure with parens
_ ok 8 - Basic failure no parens
_ ok 9 - on
_ ok 10 - on
_ ok 11 - on
_ ok 12 - Fatal::Exception on
_ ok 13 - off
_ ok 14 - autodie on via no parameters
_ ok 15 - autodie on via :io
_ ok 16 - autodie off
_ ok 17 - autodie on and off
_ ok 18 - no lint
_ 1..18
_ ok
_ t/Policy/InputOutput/require_checked_close.t ............................................... 
_ ok 1 - passes by assigning error variable
_ ok 2 - passes by "or die"
_ ok 3 - passes by "|| die"
_ ok 4 - passes by "unless"
_ ok 5 - passes by "if not"
_ ok 6 - passes with "if" statement
_ ok 7 - Basic failure with parens
_ ok 8 - Basic failure no parens
_ ok 9 - on
_ ok 10 - on
_ ok 11 - on
_ ok 12 - on
_ ok 13 - on
_ ok 14 - Fatal::Exception on
_ ok 15 - off
_ ok 16 - autodie on via no parameters
_ ok 17 - autodie on via :io
_ ok 18 - autodie off
_ ok 19 - autodie on and off
_ ok 20 - no lint
_ 1..20
_ ok
_ t/Policy/InputOutput/require_checked_syscalls.t ............................................ 
_ ok 1 - passes by assigning error variable
_ ok 2 - passes by "or die"
_ ok 3 - passes by "|| die"
_ ok 4 - passes by "unless"
_ ok 5 - passes by "if not"
_ ok 6 - passes with "if" statement
_ ok 7 - Basic failure with parens
_ ok 8 - Basic failure no parens
_ ok 9 - on
_ ok 10 - on
_ ok 11 - on
_ ok 12 - Fatal::Exception on
_ ok 13 - off
_ ok 14 - passes by assigning error variable
_ ok 15 - passes by "or die"
_ ok 16 - passes by "|| die"
_ ok 17 - passes by "unless"
_ ok 18 - passes by "if not"
_ ok 19 - passes with "if" statement
_ ok 20 - Basic failure with parens
_ ok 21 - Basic failure no parens
_ ok 22 - on
_ ok 23 - on
_ ok 24 - on
_ ok 25 - Fatal::Exception on
_ ok 26 - off
_ ok 27 - autodie on via no parameters
_ ok 28 - autodie on via :io
_ ok 29 - autodie off
_ ok 30 - autodie on and off
_ ok 31 - no config
_ ok 32 - config with single function
_ ok 33 - config with :builtins
_ ok 34 - config with :builtins except print with failure
_ ok 35 - config with :builtins except print with failure
_ ok 36 - insane config with failures
_ ok 37 - insane config without failures
_ ok 38 - insane config with excluded function
_ ok 39 - RT \#37487 - complain about use of say
_ ok 40 - no lint
_ 1..40
_ ok
_ t/Policy/InputOutput/require_encoding_with_utf8_layer.t .................................... 
_ ok 1 - basic failures
_ ok 2 - basic passes
_ ok 3 - no lint
_ 1..3
_ ok
_ t/Policy/Miscellanea/prohibit_formats.t .................................................... 
_ ok 1 - standard failures
_ ok 2 - basic passes
_ ok 3 - standard failures
_ 1..3
_ ok
_ t/Policy/Miscellanea/prohibit_ties.t ....................................................... 
_ ok 1 - basic failures
_ ok 2 - basic passes
_ ok 3 - no lint
_ 1..3
_ ok
_ t/Policy/Miscellanea/prohibit_unrestricted_no_lint.t ....................................... 
_ ok 1 - standard failures
_ ok 2 - slightly more complicated failures
_ ok 3 - unrestricted "no lint" on a sub block
_ ok 4 - standard passes
_ 1..4
_ ok
_ t/Policy/Miscellanea/prohibit_useless_no_lint.t ............................................ 
_ ok 1 - basic passes
_ ok 2 - basic failures
_ 1..2
_ ok
_ t/Policy/Module/prohibit_automatic_exportation.t ........................................... 
_ ok 1 - Basic failure, "our @EXPORT;"
_ ok 2 - Basic failure, "use vars @EXPORT;"
_ ok 3 - Basic failure, "@PACKAGE::EXPORT;"
_ ok 4 - Basic pass, "our @EXPORT_OK;"
_ ok 5 - Basic pass, "use vars %EXPORT_TAGS;"
_ ok 6 - Basic pass, "@PACKAGE::EXPORT_OK;"
_ ok 7 - Basic pass, "use vars '@EXPORT_OK';"
_ ok 8 - Basic pass, "use vars '%EXPORT_TAGS';"
_ ok 9 - No exporting at all
_ ok 10 - No special variable to export
_ ok 11 - no lint
_ 1..11
_ ok
_ t/Policy/Module/prohibit_conditional_use_statements.t ...................................... 
_ ok 1 - pass, simple use
_ ok 2 - pass, enclosing bare block
_ ok 3 - pass, enclosing labeled bare block
_ ok 4 - pass, enclosing subroutine
_ ok 5 - pass, enclosing begin block
_ ok 6 - pass, enclosing do block
_ ok 7 - pass, enclosing string eval block
_ ok 8 - pass, enclosing if statement in string eval
_ ok 9 - pass, enclosing string eval in if statement
_ ok 10 - pass, simple require
_ ok 11 - pass, require in enclosing bare block
_ ok 12 - pass, require in enclosing labeled bare block
_ ok 13 - pass, require in enclosing subroutine
_ ok 14 - pass, require in enclosing begin block
_ ok 15 - pass, require in enclosing do block
_ ok 16 - pass, require in enclosing do following logical or
_ ok 17 - pass, require in enclosing do following logical and
_ ok 18 - pass, require in enclosing do following binary or
_ ok 19 - pass, require in enclosing do following binary and
_ ok 20 - pass, require enclosing string eval block
_ ok 21 - pass, require in enclosing if statement in string eval
_ ok 22 - pass, require in enclosing string eval in if statement
_ ok 23 - pass, require in enclosing else statement
_ ok 24 - pass, require in enclosing elsif statement
_ ok 25 - pass, require in enclosing while statement
_ ok 26 - pass, require in enclosing continue statement
_ ok 27 - pass, require in enclosing unless statement
_ ok 28 - pass, require in enclosing until statement
_ ok 29 - pass, require in enclosing c-style for statement
_ ok 30 - pass, require in enclosing for statement
_ ok 31 - pass, require in enclosing foreach statement
_ ok 32 - pass, require in enclosing if statement in begin block
_ ok 33 - pass, require in enclosing do-while block
_ ok 34 - pass, require in enclosing do-until block
_ ok 35 - pass, require in enclosing do-unless block
_ ok 36 - pass, require in enclosing do-for block
_ ok 37 - pass, require in enclosing do-foreach block
_ ok 38 - pass, require in enclosing do-if block
_ ok 39 - pass, simple pragma
_ ok 40 - pass, pragma in enclosing bare block
_ ok 41 - pass, pragma in enclosing labeled bare block
_ ok 42 - pass, pragma in enclosing subroutine
_ ok 43 - pass, pragma in enclosing begin block
_ ok 44 - pass, pragma in enclosing do block
_ ok 45 - pass, pragma in enclosing do following logical or
_ ok 46 - pass, pragma in enclosing do following logical and
_ ok 47 - pass, pragma in enclosing do following binary or
_ ok 48 - pass, pragma in enclosing do following binary and
_ ok 49 - pass, pragma enclosing string eval block
_ ok 50 - pass, pragma in enclosing if statement in string eval
_ ok 51 - pass, pragma in enclosing string eval in if statement
_ ok 52 - pass, pragma in enclosing else statement
_ ok 53 - pass, pragma in enclosing elsif statement
_ ok 54 - pass, pragma in enclosing while statement
_ ok 55 - pass, pragma in enclosing continue statement
_ ok 56 - pass, pragma in enclosing unless statement
_ ok 57 - pass, pragma in enclosing until statement
_ ok 58 - pass, pragma in enclosing c-style for statement
_ ok 59 - pass, pragma in enclosing for statement
_ ok 60 - pass, pragma in enclosing foreach statement
_ ok 61 - pass, pragma in enclosing if statement in begin block
_ ok 62 - pass, pragma in enclosing do-while block
_ ok 63 - pass, pragma in enclosing do-until block
_ ok 64 - pass, pragma in enclosing do-unless block
_ ok 65 - pass, pragma in enclosing do-for block
_ ok 66 - pass, pragma in enclosing do-foreach block
_ ok 67 - pass, pragma in enclosing do-if block
_ ok 68 - failure, enclosing else statement
_ ok 69 - failure, enclosing elsif statement
_ ok 70 - failure, enclosing while statement
_ ok 71 - failure, enclosing continue statement
_ ok 72 - failure, enclosing unless statement
_ ok 73 - failure, enclosing until statement
_ ok 74 - failure, enclosing c-style for statement
_ ok 75 - failure, enclosing for statement
_ ok 76 - failure, enclosing foreach statement
_ ok 77 - failure, enclosing if statement in begin block
_ ok 78 - failure, enclosing eval statement
_ ok 79 - failure, enclosing if statement in eval
_ ok 80 - failure, enclosing do following logical or
_ ok 81 - failure, enclosing do following logical and
_ ok 82 - failure, enclosing do following binary or
_ ok 83 - failure, enclosing do following binary and
_ ok 84 - failure, enclosing do-while block
_ ok 85 - failure, enclosing do-until block
_ ok 86 - failure, enclosing do-unless block
_ ok 87 - failure, enclosing do-for block
_ ok 88 - failure, enclosing do-foreach block
_ ok 89 - failure, enclosing do-if block
_ ok 90 - no lint
_ 1..90
_ ok
_ t/Policy/Module/prohibit_excess_main_complexity.t .......................................... 
_ ok 1 - param-based failure
_ ok 2 - parm-based failure
_ ok 3 - exclude code inside subroutines
_ ok 4 - empty module
_ ok 5 - basic pass
_ ok 6 - fail cuz over the default mccabe
_ ok 7 - no lint
_ 1..7
_ ok
_ t/Policy/Module/prohibit_multiple_packages.t ............................................... 
_ ok 1 - basic pass, no package
_ ok 2 - basic failure
_ ok 3 - basic pass, with code
_ ok 4 - no lint
_ 1..4
_ ok
_ t/Policy/Module/require_bareword_includes.t ................................................ 
_ ok 1 - basic pass, incomplete statements
_ ok 2 - basic failures
_ ok 3 - basic passes with module names
_ ok 4 - no lint
_ 1..4
_ ok
_ t/Policy/Module/require_end_with_one.t ..................................................... 
_ ok 1 - no code, no need for a one
_ ok 2 - basic pass
_ ok 3 - pass with __END__
_ ok 4 - pass with __DATA__
_ ok 5 - pass with comments at the end
_ ok 6 - pass with comment on the same line
_ ok 7 - pass with extra space
_ ok 8 - pass with more spacing
_ ok 9 - pass with 1 on last line, but not last statement
_ ok 10 - fails with 0
_ ok 11 - fail with closing sub
_ ok 12 - fail with END block
_ ok 13 - fail with a non-zero true value
_ ok 14 - programs are exempt
_ ok 15 - DESTROY sub hides the 1;
_ ok 16 - no lint
_ 1..16
_ ok
_ t/Policy/Module/require_filename_matches_package.t ......................................... 
_ ok 1 - Basic passes.
_ ok 2 - Basic passes.
_ ok 3 - Basic passes.
_ ok 4 - Basic passes.
_ ok 5 - Basic passes.
_ ok 6 - Basic passes.
_ ok 7 - Basic passes.
_ ok 8 - Basic passes.
_ ok 9 - Basic Failure.
_ ok 10 - Basic Failure.
_ ok 11 - Basic Failure.
_ ok 12 - Basic Failure.
_ ok 13 - Basic Failure.
_ ok 14 - Basic Failure.
_ ok 15 - first package is main, with inner package
_ ok 16 - second package is main, with inner package
_ ok 17 - programs are exempt
_ ok 18 - using \#line directive with double-quoted filename
_ ok 19 - using \#line directive with bareword filename
_ ok 20 - \#line directive appears after package declaration
_ ok 21 - multiple \#line directives
_ ok 22 - \#line directive with multi-part path
_ ok 23 - \#line directive with multi-part path in lib/ dir
_ ok 24 - \#line directive with partially matching multi-part path
_ ok 25 - no package declaration at all
_ ok 26 - \#line directive with no package declaration at all
_ 1..26
_ ok
_ t/Policy/Module/prohibit_evil_modules.t .................................................... 
_ ok 1 - Deprecated Class::ISA
_ ok 2 - Deprecated Pod::Plainer
_ ok 3 - Deprecated Shell
_ ok 4 - Deprecated Switch
_ ok 5 - 2 evil modules
_ ok 6 - No evil modules
_ ok 7 - 2 evil modules, with pattern matching
_ ok 8 - More evil modules, with mixed config
_ ok 9 - More evil modules, with more pattern matching
_ ok 10 - Pattern matching exceptions
_ ok 11 - Providing the description for modules, no regular expressions.
_ ok 12 - Providing the description for modules, regular expressions.
_ ok 13 - Providing the description for modules, no regular expressions.
_ ok 14 - Providing the description for modules, regular expressions.
_ ok 15 - no lint
_ 1..15
_ ok
_ t/Policy/Module/require_no_match_vars_with_use_english.t ................................... 
_ ok 1 - Passing with no "use English".
_ ok 2 - Passing single quotes.
_ ok 3 - Passing double quotes
_ ok 4 - Passing literal quotes.
_ ok 5 - Passing literal quotes with whitespace before delimiter.
_ ok 6 - Passing interpolating quotes.
_ ok 7 - Passing interpolating quotes with whitespace before delimiter.
_ ok 8 - Passing quotelike words.
_ ok 9 - Passing quotelike words with whitespace before delimiter.
_ ok 10 - Passing quotelike words with things in addition to -no_match_vars.
_ ok 11 - Passing parenthesized list.
_ ok 12 - Passing parenthesized list with things in addition to -no_match_vars.
_ ok 13 - Passing unparenthesized list with things in addition to -no_match_vars.
_ ok 14 - Passing version.
_ ok 15 - Passing v-string version.
_ ok 16 - Passing parenthesized list and version.
_ ok 17 - Basic failure.
_ ok 18 - Failure with version.
_ ok 19 - Failure with v-string.
_ ok 20 - Failure with random garbage.
_ ok 21 - Failure with typo that Ovid noticed.
_ ok 22 - no lint
_ 1..22
_ ok
_ t/Policy/Module/require_explicit_package.t ................................................. 
_ ok 1 - one statement before package
_ ok 2 - BEGIN block before package
_ ok 3 - inclusion before package
_ ok 4 - two statements before package
_ ok 5 - no package at all
_ ok 6 - no statements at all
_ ok 7 - just a package, no statements
_ ok 8 - package OK
_ ok 9 - programs can be exempt
_ ok 10 - programs not exempted
_ ok 11 - programs not exempted, but we have a package
_ ok 12 - Allow exception for specific module loads. RT \#72660
_ ok 13 - no lint
_ 1..13
_ ok
_ t/Policy/Module/require_version_var.t ...................................................... 
_ ok 1 - No code
_ ok 2 - basic pass
_ ok 3 - basic pass \#2
_ ok 4 - basic pass \#3
_ ok 5 - basic pass \#4
_ ok 6 - basic pass \#5
_ ok 7 - fail with lexical
_ ok 8 - fail with wrong variable
_ ok 9 - Readonly VERSION
_ ok 10 - Readonly::Scalar VERSION
_ ok 11 - Readonly::Scalar VERSION
_ ok 12 - Version as argument to package. RT \#67159
_ ok 13 - Package without version should still be violation. RT \#67159
_ ok 14 - no lint
_ 1..14
_ ok
_ t/Policy/NamingConventions/ProhibitAmbiguousNames.t ........................................ 
_ ok 1 - Basic failures.
_ ok 2 - Ambiguous word in compound name.
_ ok 3 - Basic passes.
_ ok 4 - Ambiguous name on rhs.
_ ok 5 - Ambiguous, but exempt by convention
_ ok 6 - Custom null configuration
_ ok 7 - Custom configuration: "foo bar baz quux"
_ ok 8 - Custom configuration: "foo bar baz quux"
_ ok 9 - Custom null configuration
_ ok 10 - no lint
_ 1..10
_ ok
_ t/Policy/Objects/indirect_syntax.t ......................................................... 
_     # Subtest: basic passes
_     ok 1
_     1..1
_ ok 1 - basic passes
_     # Subtest: basic failures
_     ok 1
_     1..1
_ ok 2 - basic failures
_     # Subtest: specify name of subroutine to check
_         # Subtest: unchecked indirect objects
_         ok 1
_         1..1
_     ok 1 - unchecked indirect objects
_         # Subtest: checked indirect objects
_         ok 1
_         1..1
_     ok 2 - checked indirect objects
_     1..2
_ ok 3 - specify name of subroutine to check
_     # Subtest: no lint
_     ok 1
_     1..1
_ ok 4 - no lint
_ 1..4
_ ok
_ t/Policy/RegularExpressions/prohibit_capture_without_test.t ................................ 
_ ok 1 - use without regex
_ ok 2 - void use without regex
_ ok 3 - regex but no check on success
_ ok 4 - inside a checkblock, but another regex overrides
_ ok 5 - good passes
_ ok 6 - ternary passes
_ ok 7 - Regression for PPI::Statement::Expressions
_ ok 8 - Regression for ternaries with structures
_ ok 9 - Failure to match throws exception - RT 36081.
_ ok 10 - Failure to match throws exception (regex in outer block) - RT 36081.
_ ok 11 - Failure to match throws exception (regex in inner block) - RT 36081.
_ ok 12 - Boolean 'or' without known exception source is an error - RT 36081
_ ok 13 - Recognize alternate exception sources if told about them - RT 36081
_ ok 14 - Failure to match causes transfer of control - RT 36081.
_ ok 15 - Failure to match causes transfer of control (regex in outer block) - RT 36081.
_ ok 16 - Failure to match causes transfer of control (regex in inner block) - RT 36081.
_ ok 17 - Failure to match does not cause transfer of control (regex in inner block) - RT 36081.
_ ok 18 - goto that transfers around capture - RT 36081.
_ ok 19 - regex in suffix control
_ ok 20 - regex in loop with capture in nested if
_ ok 21 - regex in while, capture in loop
_ ok 22 - Regex followed by "and do {...}" RT \#50910
_ ok 23 - regex inside when(){} RT \#36081
_ ok 24 - no lint
_ 1..24
_ ok
_ t/Policy/RegularExpressions/prohibit_enumerated_classes.t .................................. 
_ ok 1 - basic passes
_ ok 2 - allowed classes
_ ok 3 - basic failures
_ ok 4 - alterate representations of line endings
_ ok 5 - negative failures
_ ok 6 - negative failures
_ 1..6
_ ok
_ t/Policy/RegularExpressions/prohibit_complex_regexes.t ..................................... 
_ ok 1 - basic passes
_ ok 2 - basic failures
_ ok 3 - basic failures, m//x
_ ok 4 - config
_ ok 5 - RT 36098 forgive long (and presumably descriptive) variable names
_ ok 6 - RT 36098 things that look like interpolation but are not
_ ok 7 - pass with reg quote
_ ok 8 - no lint
_ 1..8
_ ok
_ t/Policy/RegularExpressions/prohibit_escaped_metacharacters.t .............................. 
_ ok 1 - basic passes
_ ok 2 - basic failures
_ ok 3 - allow comment character in //x mode --
_ ok 4 - allowed escapes
_ ok 5 - unexpected failures
_ ok 6 - escaped characters in character classes
_ ok 7 - ignore reg quote
_ ok 8 - no lint
_ 1..8
_ ok
_ t/Policy/RegularExpressions/prohibit_fixed_string_matches.t ................................ 
_ ok 1 - basic passes
_ ok 2 - failures mentioned in perldoc
_ ok 3 - anchored passes
_ ok 4 - escapes
_ ok 5 - alternating passes
_ ok 6 - basic failures, m//
_ ok 7 - basic failures, s///
_ ok 8 - basic failures, qr//
_ ok 9 - alternating failures
_ ok 10 - ignore with reg quote
_ ok 11 - no lint
_ 1..11
_ ok
_ t/Policy/RegularExpressions/prohibit_single_char_alternation.t ............................. 
_ ok 1 - basic passes
_ ok 2 - warnings reported by users (App::Ack)
_ ok 3 - metacharacters
_ ok 4 - allowed to have one single character alternation
_ ok 5 - basic failures
_ ok 6 - no lint
_ 1..6
_ ok
_ t/Policy/RegularExpressions/prohibit_unusual_delimiters.t .................................. 
_ ok 1 - basic passes
_ ok 2 - basic failures
_ ok 3 - allow_all_brackets
_ ok 4 - no lint
_ 1..4
_ ok
_ t/Policy/RegularExpressions/prohibit_unused_capture.t ...................................... 
_ ok 1 - non-captures
_ ok 2 - assignment captures
_ ok 3 - undef array captures
_ ok 4 - complex array assignment captures
_ ok 5 - conditional captures
_ ok 6 - RT \#38942
_ ok 7 - boolean and ternary captures
_ ok 8 - loop captures
_ ok 9 - slurpy array loop captures
_ ok 10 - slurpy with assignment
_ ok 11 - slurpy with array assignment
_ ok 12 - assignment captures on string
_ ok 13 - slurpy captures on string
_ ok 14 - self captures
_ ok 15 - q{} should be ignored
_ ok 16 - qq{} should be ignored
_ ok 17 - qx{} should be ignored
_ ok 18 - qw{} should be ignored
_ ok 19 - basic failures
_ ok 20 - negated regexp failures
_ ok 21 - statement failures
_ ok 22 - sub failures
_ ok 23 - anon sub failures
_ ok 24 - ref constructors
_ ok 25 - sub returns
_ ok 26 - lvalue sub assigment pass
_ ok 27 - code coverage
_ ok 28 - while loop with /g
_ ok 29 - conditional named captures
_ ok 30 - named capture in array context is unused
_ ok 31 - named capture in array context with siblings is OK
_ ok 32 - named capture not used in replacement
_ ok 33 - named capture used in replacement
_ ok 34 - subscripted capture
_ ok 35 - named capture English name in replacement RT \#60002
_ ok 36 - named capture English name in code RT \#60002
_ ok 37 - named capture English name in replacement RT \#60002
_ ok 38 - named capture English name in code RT \#60002
_ ok 39 - English subscripted capture without use English
_ ok 40 - English subscripted capture with use English
_ ok 41 - Capture used in substitution portion of s/.../.../e
_ ok 42 - Capture used in double-quotish string. RT \#38942 redux
_ ok 43 - Capture used in a here document. RT \#38942 redux
_ ok 44 - Alternation. RT \#38942 redux
_ ok 45 - Alternation with conjunction. RT \#38942 redux
_ ok 46 - RT \#67116 - Incorrect check of here document.
_ ok 47 - RT \#69867 - Incorrect check of if() statement if regexp negated
_ ok 48 - RT \#72086 - False positive with /e and parens
_ ok 49 - no lint
_ 1..49
_ ok
_ t/Policy/RegularExpressions/prohibit_useless_topic.t ....................................... 
_ ok 1 - Non-topic explicitness
_ ok 2 - Topical exclusion
_ ok 3 - Useless topic
_ ok 4 - Useless topic in a negative match
_ ok 5 - Match against qr object
_ ok 6 - Not useless matching against a variable
_ ok 7 - More complex constructions
_ ok 8 - Potential false positives, but none should fail.
_ ok 9 - no lint
_ 1..9
_ ok
_ t/Policy/RegularExpressions/require_braces_for_multiline.t ................................. 
_ ok 1 - short match regexps
_ ok 2 - proper delimiters
_ ok 3 - basic failures
_ ok 4 - allow_all_brackets
_ ok 5 - no lint
_ 1..5
_ ok
_ t/Policy/RegularExpressions/require_dot_match_anything.t ................................... 
_ ok 1 - basic passes
_ ok 2 - basic failures
_ ok 3 - tr and y checking
_ ok 4 - use re '/s' - RT \#72151
_ ok 5 - use re qw{ /s } - RT \#72151
_ ok 6 - use re qw{ /s } not in scope - RT \#72151
_ ok 7 - no re qw{ /s } - RT \#72151
_ ok 8 - no lint
_ 1..8
_ ok
_ t/Policy/RegularExpressions/require_line_boundary_matching.t ............................... 
_ ok 1 - basic passes
_ ok 2 - basic failures
_ ok 3 - tr and y checking
_ ok 4 - use re '/m' - RT \#72151
_ ok 5 - use re "/m"
_ ok 6 - use re qw{ /m } - RT \#72151
_ ok 7 - use re qw{ /m } not in scope - RT \#72151
_ ok 8 - no re qw{ /m } - RT \#72151
_ ok 9 - no lint
_ 1..9
_ ok
_ t/Policy/RegularExpressions/require_extended_formatting.t .................................. 
_ ok 1 - basic passes
_ ok 2 - basic failures
_ ok 3 - tr and y formatting
_ ok 4 - minimum_regex_length_to_complain_about, pass
_ ok 5 - minimum_regex_length_to_complain_about, fail
_ ok 6 - strict
_ ok 7 - use re '/x' - RT \#72151
_ ok 8 - use re qw{ /x } - RT \#72151
_ ok 9 - use re qw{ /x } not in scope - RT \#72151
_ ok 10 - no re qw{ /x } - RT \#72151
_ ok 11 - no lint
_ 1..11
_ ok
_ t/Policy/Subroutines/prohibit_ampersand_sigils.t ........................................... 
_ ok 1 - basic failures
_ ok 2 - basic passing
_ ok 3 - RT \#38855 passing with parens
_ ok 4 - RT \#49609 recognize reference-taking distributes over parens
_ ok 5 - more passing
_ ok 6 - handle that the first bareword after "sort" is the comparator function
_ ok 7 - no lint
_ 1..7
_ ok
_ t/Policy/Subroutines/prohibit_builtin_homonyms.t ........................................... 
_ ok 1 - Basic failures
_ ok 2 - Basic passing
_ ok 3 - Acceptable homonyms
_ ok 4 - no lint
_ 1..4
_ ok
_ t/Policy/Subroutines/prohibit_excess_complexity.t .......................................... 
_ ok 1 - parm-based pass
_ ok 2 - parm-based failure
_ ok 3 - failure with default mccabee
_ ok 4 - no-op sub
_ ok 5 - no lint
_ 1..5
_ ok
_ t/Policy/Subroutines/prohibit_explicit_return_undef.t ...................................... 
_ ok 1 - simple failure
_ ok 2 - simple success
_ ok 3 - no lint
_ 1..3
_ ok
_ t/Policy/Subroutines/prohibit_nested_subs.t ................................................ 
_ ok 1 - Basic passing
_ ok 2 - Basic failure
_ ok 3 - Subroutine declarations inside scheduled blocks used for lexical scope restriction.
_ ok 4 - Scheduled blocks inside subroutine declarations.
_ ok 5 - Subroutine declarations inside scheduled blocks inside subroutine declarations.
_ ok 6 - no lint
_ 1..6
_ ok
_ t/Policy/Subroutines/prohibit_many_args.t .................................................. 
_ ok 1 - basic passes
_ ok 2 - simple failures
_ ok 3 - configured failures
_ ok 4 - configured successes
_ ok 5 - RT56627: prototype interpretation
_ ok 6 - prototype grouping
_ ok 7 - single term prototype (Perl 5.14)
_ ok 8 - single term prototype (Perl 5.14)
_ ok 9 - no lint
_ 1..9
_ ok
_ t/Policy/Subroutines/prohibit_subroutine_prototypes.t ...................................... 
_ ok 1 - simple failure
_ ok 2 - simple success
_ ok 3 - no lint
_ 1..3
_ ok
_ t/Policy/Subroutines/prohibit_return_sort.t ................................................ 
_ ok 1 - simple failure
_ ok 2 - simple success
_ ok 3 - when used in conjunction with wantarray()
_ ok 4 - "sort" used in other contexts...
_ ok 5 - no lint
_ 1..5
_ ok
_ t/Policy/Subroutines/prohibit_unused_private_subroutines.t ................................. 
_ ok 1 - basic failure
_ ok 2 - basic pass
_ ok 3 - Method call is OK
_ ok 4 - Method call where invocant is "shift"
_ ok 5 - other builtin-function followed by private method call
_ ok 6 - Maybe non-obvious failure
_ ok 7 - Forward references do not count
_ ok 8 - User-configured exceptions.
_ ok 9 - private_name_regex passing
_ ok 10 - private_name_regex failure
_ ok 11 - reference to private subroutine
_ ok 12 - goto to private subroutine
_ ok 13 - private subroutine used in overload
_ ok 14 - private subroutine used in overload, the bad way
_ ok 15 - private subroutine used in overload, by reference
_ ok 16 - recursive but otherwise unused subroutine
_ ok 17 - recursive subroutine called outside itself
_ ok 18 - subroutine declared in someone else's name space
_ ok 19 - Subroutine called in replacement portion of s/.../.../e
_ ok 20 - Subroutine called in regexp interpolation
_ ok 21 - Subroutine called in regexp embedded code
_ ok 22 - RT 61311: dies on "&_name" call
_ ok 23 - no lint
_ 1..23
_ ok
_ t/Policy/Subroutines/protect_private_subs.t ................................................ 
_ ok 1 - basic failure
_ ok 2 - basic passes
_ ok 3 - Public methods called on non-public classes ok.
_ ok 4 - Class methods invoked via __PACKAGE__ are always OK.
_ ok 5 - "shift" followed by private method call
_ ok 6 - other builtin-function followed by private method call
_ ok 7 - Difficult-to-detect pass
_ ok 8 - Exceptions from the POSIX module.
_ ok 9 - User-configured exceptions.
_ ok 10 - private_name_regex passing
_ ok 11 - private_name_regex failure
_ ok 12 - no lint
_ 1..12
_ ok
_ t/Policy/Subroutines/require_arg_unpacking.t ............................................... 
_ ok 1 - basic passes
_ ok 2 - prototype passes
_ ok 3 - scheduled subs
_ ok 4 - passes - no arguments
_ ok 5 - failure - not idiomatic enough
_ ok 6 - basic failures
_ ok 7 - failure in an anonymous sub
_ ok 8 - basic failures, set config higher
_ ok 9 - mixed failures
_ ok 10 - nested anon sub
_ ok 11 - nested name sub
_ ok 12 - array slice (POE convention), default behavior
_ ok 13 - array slice (POE convention) with indices allowed
_ ok 14 - exclude foreach rt\#39601
_ ok 15 - and still catch unrolling args in a postfix for
_ ok 16 - Allow the usual delegation idioms.
_ ok 17 - Don't allow delegation to unknown places.
_ ok 18 - Allow delegation to places we have been told about.
_ ok 19 - Recognize $$_[0] as a use of $_, not @_ (rt \#37713)
_ ok 20 - Allow tests (rt \#79138)
_ ok 21 - no lint
_ 1..21
_ ok
_ t/Policy/TestingAndDebugging/prohibit_no_strict.t .......................................... 
_ ok 1 - strictures disabled
_ ok 2 - selective strictures disabled
_ ok 3 - selective strictures disabled
_ ok 4 - allowed no strict
_ ok 5 - partially allowed no strict
_ ok 6 - partially allowed no strict
_ ok 7 - allow no strict, mixed case config
_ ok 8 - allow no strict, comma-delimimted config
_ ok 9 - wrong case, funky config
_ ok 10 - no lint
_ 1..10
_ ok
_ t/Policy/Subroutines/require_final_return.t ................................................ 
_ ok 1 - basic passes
_ ok 2 - complex passes
_ ok 3 - ternary returns
_ ok 4 - returning ternaries
_ ok 5 - implicit returns fail
_ ok 6 - return in a constant loop
_ ok 7 - not all code paths returns
_ ok 8 - special blocks exemption
_ ok 9 - goto is equivalent to return
_ ok 10 - next and last are not equivalent to return (and are invalid Perl)
_ ok 11 - abnormal termination is allowed
_ ok 12 - Final return is present, but conditional
_ ok 13 - Compound final return is present, but conditional
_ ok 14 - Custom terminals
_ ok 15 - ForLoop is a QuoteLike::Words
_ ok 16 - no lint
_ 1..16
_ ok
_ t/Policy/TestingAndDebugging/prohibit_prolonged_stricture_override.t ....................... 
_ ok 1 - standard pass
_ ok 2 - standard fail
_ ok 3 - pass that's almost to fail
_ ok 4 - in a block
_ ok 5 - long fail in a block
_ ok 6 - config override
_ ok 7 - no lint 1
_ ok 8 - no lint 2
_ 1..8
_ ok
_ t/Policy/TestingAndDebugging/prohibit_no_warnings.t ........................................ 
_ ok 1 - warnings disabled
_ ok 2 - selective warnings disabled, regular quotes
_ ok 3 - selective warnings disabled, qw<>
_ ok 4 - allow no warnings, mixed case config
_ ok 5 - allow no warnings, comma delimimted
_ ok 6 - wrong case, funky config
_ ok 7 - More wrong case, funky config
_ ok 8 - with_at_least_one, no categories
_ ok 9 - with_at_least_one, one category
_ ok 10 - with_at_least_one, many categories, regular quotes
_ ok 11 - with_at_least_one, many categories, qw<>
_ ok 12 - allow_with_category_restriction, category qw. RT \#74647,
_ ok 13 - no lint
_ 1..13
_ ok
_ t/Policy/TestingAndDebugging/require_use_strict.t .......................................... 
_ ok 1 - one statement before strict
_ ok 2 - several statements before strict
_ ok 3 - no strict at all
_ ok 4 - name require strict
_ ok 5 - strictures used, but no code
_ ok 6 - no strict at all, w/END
_ ok 7 - no strict at all, w/DATA
_ ok 8 - strictures used OK
_ ok 9 - other module included before strict
_ ok 10 - package statement before strict
_ ok 11 - Work around a PPI bug that doesn't return a location for C<({})>.
_ ok 12 - Moose support
_ ok 13 - Moose::Role support
_ ok 14 - Moose::Util::TypeConstraints support
_ ok 15 - equivalent_modules
_ ok 16 - "use strict" in lexical context (BEGIN block) RT \#42310
_ ok 17 - "use strict" in lexical context (subroutine) RT \#42310
_ ok 18 - "use perl-version" equivalent to strict as of 5.011
_ ok 19 - "use perl-version" equivalent to strict as of 5.11.0
_ ok 20 - "use perl-version" in lexical context
_ ok 21 - no lint
_ 1..21
_ ok
_ t/Policy/TestingAndDebugging/require_test_labels.t ......................................... 
_ ok 1 - standard failures
_ ok 2 - name standard passing
_ ok 3 - name more passing
_ ok 4 - empty array and hash parsing
_ ok 5 - exceptions
_ ok 6 - more exceptions
_ ok 7 - RT 24924, is_deeply (from Perl::Critic)
_ ok 8 - no lint
_ 1..8
_ ok
_ t/Policy/TestingAndDebugging/require_use_warnings.t ........................................ 
_ ok 1 - 1 statement before warnings
_ ok 2 - several statements before warnings
_ ok 3 - no warnings at all
_ ok 4 - no warnings at all with "use 5.005"
_ ok 5 - no warnings at all with "use 5.006"
_ ok 6 - require warnings
_ ok 7 - warnings used, but no code
_ ok 8 - no warnings at all, w/END
_ ok 9 - no warnings at all, w/DATA
_ ok 10 - warnings used
_ ok 11 - Other module included before warnings
_ ok 12 - name package statement before warnings
_ ok 13 - Work around a PPI bug that doesn't return a location for C<({})>.
_ ok 14 - Moose support
_ ok 15 - Moose::Role support
_ ok 16 - Moose::Util::TypeConstraints support
_ ok 17 - equivalent_modules
_ ok 18 - "use warnings" in lexical context (BEGIN block) RT \#42310
_ ok 19 - "use warnings" in lexical context (subroutine) RT \#42310
_ ok 20 - no lint
_ 1..20
_ ok
_ t/Policy/ValuesAndExpressions/prohibit_comma_separated_statements.t ........................ 
_ ok 1 - Basic passing
_ ok 2 - Basic failure
_ ok 3 - List including assignments
_ ok 4 - List containing statement
_ ok 5 - List containing statement in a constructor that is reported as a block
_ ok 6 - Regular statement inside a block.
_ ok 7 - Sub call after comma
_ ok 8 - Regular sub call before comma
_ ok 9 - No-argument sub call via use of sigil
_ ok 10 - Two sub calls
_ ok 11 - Built-in call that provides a list context without parentheses
_ ok 12 - Built-in call that provides a list context, called like a function
_ ok 13 - Built-in call that takes multiple arguments without parentheses
_ ok 14 - Built-in call that takes multiple arguments, called like a function
_ ok 15 - Call to unary built-in without parentheses
_ ok 16 - Unary built-in, called like a function
_ ok 17 - Call to no-argument built-in without parentheses
_ ok 18 - No-argument built-in, called like a function
_ ok 19 - Call to optional argument built-in without an argument without parentheses
_ ok 20 - Optional argument built-in, called like a function without an argument
_ ok 21 - Call to optional argument built-in with an argument without parentheses
_ ok 22 - Optional argument built-in, called like a function with an argument
_ ok 23 - For loop
_ ok 24 - For loop
_ ok 25 - qw<>
_ ok 26 - original RT \#27654
_ ok 27 - RT \#27654 - NKH example 1
_ ok 28 - RT \#27654 - NKH example 2 - without allow_last_statement_to_be_comma_separated_in_map_and_grep
_ ok 29 - RT \#27654 - NKH example 2 - with allow_last_statement_to_be_comma_separated_in_map_and_grep
_ ok 30 - RT \#27654 - NKH example 3
_ ok 31 - RT \#33935 and 49679
_ ok 32 - RT \#61301 (requires PPI 1.215)
_ ok 33 - RT \#64132 (requires PPI 1.215)
_ ok 34 - no lint
_ 1..34
_ ok
_ t/Policy/ValuesAndExpressions/prohibit_complex_version.t ................................... 
_ ok 1 - basic passes
_ ok 2 - basic failures
_ ok 3 - configure 'use version' to fail.
_ ok 4 - passes from the treasury.
_ ok 5 - failures from the treasury.
_ ok 6 - no lint
_ 1..6
_ ok
_ t/Policy/ValuesAndExpressions/prohibit_constant_pragma.t ................................... 
_ ok 1 - Basic passing
_ ok 2 - Basic failure
_ ok 3 - no lint
_ 1..3
_ ok
_ t/Policy/ValuesAndExpressions/prohibit_empty_quotes.t ...................................... 
_ ok 1 - Basic failure
_ ok 2 - Quote-like operator passing
_ ok 3 - Non-empty passing
_ ok 4 - no lint
_ 1..4
_ ok
_ t/Policy/ValuesAndExpressions/prohibit_escaped_characters.t ................................ 
_ ok 1 - Basic passing
_ ok 2 - Basic failure
_ ok 3 - no lint
_ 1..3
_ ok
_ t/Policy/ValuesAndExpressions/prohibit_implicit_newlines.t ................................. 
_ ok 1 - Basic passing
_ ok 2 - Basic failure
_ ok 3 - Bad whitespace usage, but allowed
_ ok 4 - no lint
_ 1..4
_ ok
_ t/Policy/ValuesAndExpressions/prohibit_interpolation_of_literals.t ......................... 
_ ok 1 - Basic failure
_ ok 2 - Basic passing
_ ok 3 - Code with all delimiters in configuration
_ ok 4 - Code with not all delimiters in configuration
_ ok 5 - Configuration with only delimiters, no operators
_ ok 6 - Configuration with matching closing delimiters
_ ok 7 - Disallow interpolation if string contains single quote
_ ok 8 - Allow interpolation if string contains single quote, with option on.
_ ok 9 - allow double quotes if called for.
_ ok 10 - prohibit double quotes if not called for
_ ok 11 - Disallow interpolation if string contains single quote w/reg_double_quote
_ ok 12 - Allow interpolation if string contains single quote, with option on w/reg_double_quote
_ ok 13 - allow double quotes if called for w/reg_double_quote
_ ok 14 - prohibit double quotes if not called for w/reg_double_quote
_ ok 15 - no lint
_ 1..15
_ ok
_ t/Policy/ValuesAndExpressions/prohibit_leading_zeros.t ..................................... 
_ ok 1 - Basic passing
_ ok 2 - Basic failure
_ ok 3 - chmod
_ ok 4 - chmod with strict option
_ ok 5 - dbmopen
_ ok 6 - dbmopen with strict option
_ ok 7 - mkdir
_ ok 8 - mkdir with strict option
_ ok 9 - sysopen
_ ok 10 - sysopen with strict option
_ ok 11 - umask
_ ok 12 - umask with strict option
_ ok 13 - no lint
_ 1..13
_ ok
_ t/Policy/ValuesAndExpressions/prohibit_long_chains_of_method_calls.t ....................... 
_ ok 1 - Basic passing
_ ok 2 - Basic failure
_ ok 3 - Reduced maximum chain length
_ ok 4 - Increased maximum chain length
_ ok 5 - Ignore array and hash ref chains
_ ok 6 - RT \#30040
_ ok 7 - no lint
_ 1..7
_ ok
_ t/Policy/ValuesAndExpressions/prohibit_mismatched_operators.t .............................. 
_ ok 1 - Basic passing
_ ok 2 - Basic failure
_ ok 3 - 'foo' x 15 x 'bar' is OK ( RT \#54524 )
_ ok 4 - File operators passing
_ ok 5 - File operators failure
_ ok 6 - no lint
_ 1..6
_ ok
_ t/Policy/ValuesAndExpressions/prohibit_mixed_boolean_operators.t ........................... 
_ ok 1 - High-precedence passing
_ ok 2 - Low-precedence passing
_ ok 3 - Basic failure
_ ok 4 - High-precedence with low precedence self-equals
_ ok 5 - Mixed booleans in same statement, but different expressions
_ ok 6 - Mixed booleans in code blocks
_ ok 7 - no lint
_ 1..7
_ ok
_ t/Policy/ValuesAndExpressions/prohibit_noisy_quotes.t ...................................... 
_ ok 1 - Basic passing
_ ok 2 - Basic failure
_ ok 3 - overload pragma
_ ok 4 - Parentheses, braces, brackets
_ ok 5 - no lint
_ 1..5
_ ok
_ t/Policy/ValuesAndExpressions/prohibit_quotes_as_quotelike_operator_delimiters.t ........... 
_ ok 1 - Basic passing
_ ok 2 - Basic failure
_ ok 3 - single_quote_allowed_operators = m q qq qr qw qx s tr y
_ ok 4 - single_quote_allowed_operators =
_ ok 5 - double_quote_allowed_operators = m q qq qr qw qx s tr y
_ ok 6 - double_quote_allowed_operators =
_ ok 7 - back_quote_allowed_operators = m q qq qr qw qx s tr y
_ ok 8 - back_quote_allowed_operators =
_ ok 9 - no lint
_ 1..9
_ ok
_ t/Policy/ValuesAndExpressions/prohibit_special_heredoc_terminator.t ........................ 
_ ok 1 - Basic failures
_ ok 2 - failures with quotes
_ ok 3 - outside the scope of this policy
_ ok 4 - no lint
_ 1..4
_ ok
_ t/Policy/ValuesAndExpressions/prohibit_magic_numbers.t ..................................... 
_ ok 1 - Version numbers allowed in use statements.
_ ok 2 - Version numbers allowed in require statements.
_ ok 3 - Version numbers not allowed in regular statements.
_ ok 4 - All numbers are allowed on any use statement.
_ ok 5 - Numbers allowed on plan statements.
_ ok 6 - Decimal zero is allowed anywhere.
_ ok 7 - Floating-point zero is allowed anywhere.
_ ok 8 - Decimal one is allowed anywhere.
_ ok 9 - Floating-point one is allowed anywhere.
_ ok 10 - Decimal two is allowed anywhere.
_ ok 11 - Floating-point two is allowed anywhere.
_ ok 12 - Fractional numbers not allowed in regular statements.
_ ok 13 - Negative one is not allowed by default.
_ ok 14 - The answer to life, the universe, and everything is not allowed in regular statements.
_ ok 15 - The answer to life, the universe, and everything is allowed as a constant.
_ ok 16 - Fractional numbers are allowed as a constant.
_ ok 17 - The Readonly subroutine works.
_ ok 18 - The Readonly::Scalar subroutine works.
_ ok 19 - The Readonly::Scalar1 subroutine does work if allow_to_the_right_of_a_fat_comma is set.
_ ok 20 - The Readonly::Scalar1 subroutine does not work if allow_to_the_right_of_a_fat_comma is not set.
_ ok 21 - The Readonly::Array subroutine works.
_ ok 22 - The Readonly::Array1 subroutine does not work.
_ ok 23 - The Readonly::Hash subroutine works.
_ ok 24 - The Readonly::Hash1 subroutine does work if allow_to_the_right_of_a_fat_comma is set.
_ ok 25 - The Readonly::Hash1 subroutine does not work if allow_to_the_right_of_a_fat_comma is not set.
_ ok 26 - Const::Fast works even if allow_to_the_right_of_a_fat_comma is not set.
_ ok 27 - Constant subroutines containing just a number are allowed.
_ ok 28 - Constant subroutines containing "return" and a number are allowed.
_ ok 29 - Subroutines that contain something other than a constant return value are not allowed.
_ ok 30 - Subroutines that contain something other than a constant return value are not allowed with implicit.
_ ok 31 - Magic numbers not allowed in ranges.
_ ok 32 - Readonly numbers allowed in ranges.
_ ok 33 - Binary zero isn't allowed in regular statements.
_ ok 34 - Readonly binary zero is allowed.
_ ok 35 - Binary one isn't allowed in regular statements.
_ ok 36 - Readonly binary one is allowed.
_ ok 37 - Octal zero isn't allowed in regular statements.
_ ok 38 - Readonly octal zero is allowed.
_ ok 39 - Octal one isn't allowed in regular statements.
_ ok 40 - Readonly octal one is allowed.
_ ok 41 - Hexadecimal zero isn't allowed in regular statements.
_ ok 42 - Readonly hexadecimal zero is allowed.
_ ok 43 - Hexadecimal one isn't allowed in regular statements.
_ ok 44 - Readonly hexadecimal one is allowed.
_ ok 45 - Exponential zero isn't allowed in regular statements.
_ ok 46 - Readonly exponential zero is allowed.
_ ok 47 - Exponential one isn't allowed in regular statements.
_ ok 48 - Readonly exponential one is allowed.
_ ok 49 - Any numbers allowed in array references in use statement.
_ ok 50 - Any numbers allowed in array references in require statement.
_ ok 51 - Any numbers allowed in array references in readonly statement.
_ ok 52 - Magic numbers not allowed in array references in regular statement.
_ ok 53 - Array references containing only good numbers are allowed (by this policy).
_ ok 54 - Any numbers allowed in hash references in use statement.
_ ok 55 - Any numbers allowed in hash references in require statement.
_ ok 56 - Any numbers allowed in hash references in readonly statement.
_ ok 57 - Magic numbers allowed in hash references in regular statement if allow_to_the_right_of_a_fat_comma is set.
_ ok 58 - Magic numbers not allowed in hash references in regular statement if allow_to_the_right_of_a_fat_comma is not set.
_ ok 59 - Hash references containing only good numbers are allowed (by this policy).
_ ok 60 - Any numbers allowed in lists in use statement.
_ ok 61 - Any numbers allowed in lists in require statement.
_ ok 62 - Any numbers allowed in lists in readonly statement.
_ ok 63 - Magic numbers not allowed in lists in regular statement.
_ ok 64 - Lists containing only good numbers are allowed (by this policy).
_ ok 65 - Magic numbers not allowed in nested lists in regular statement.
_ ok 66 - Magic numbers not allowed in nested array references in regular statement.
_ ok 67 - Magic numbers allowed in nested hash references in regular statement if allow_to_the_right_of_a_fat_comma is set.
_ ok 68 - Magic numbers not allowed in nested hash references in regular statement if allow_to_the_right_of_a_fat_comma is not set.
_ ok 69 - Good numbers allowed in nested hash references anywhere.
_ ok 70 - Magic numbers not allowed in deep data structures in regular statement.
_ ok 71 - Good numbers allowed in deep datastructures anywhere.
_ ok 72 - $VERSION variables get a special exemption.
_ ok 73 - Last element of an array gets a special exemption.
_ ok 74 - Last element exemption does not work if there is anything else within the subscript.
_ ok 75 - Penultimate element of an array does not get a special exemption.
_ ok 76 - Decimal zero is allowed even if the configuration specifies that there aren't any allowed literals.
_ ok 77 - Floating-point zero is allowed even if the configuration specifies that there aren't any allowed literals.
_ ok 78 - Decimal one is allowed even if the configuration specifies that there aren't any allowed literals.
_ ok 79 - Floating-point one is allowed even if the configuration specifies that there aren't any allowed literals.
_ ok 80 - Decimal two is not allowed if the configuration specifies that there aren't any allowed literals.
_ ok 81 - Floating-point two is not allowed if the configuration specifies that there aren't any allowed literals.
_ ok 82 - Decimal zero is allowed even if the configuration doesn't include it in the allowed literals.
_ ok 83 - Floating-point zero is allowed even if the configuration doesn't include it in the allowed literals.
_ ok 84 - Decimal one is allowed even if the configuration doesn't include it in the allowed literals.
_ ok 85 - Floating-point one is allowed even if the configuration doesn't include it in the allowed literals.
_ ok 86 - Decimal two is not allowed if the configuration doesn't include it in the allowed literals.
_ ok 87 - Floating-point two is not allowed if the configuration doesn't include it in the allowed literals.
_ ok 88 - Decimal three is allowed if the configuration includes it in the allowed literals.
_ ok 89 - Floating-point three is allowed if the configuration includes it in the allowed literals.
_ ok 90 - Decimal negative five is allowed if the configuration includes it in the allowed literals.
_ ok 91 - Floating-point negative five is allowed if the configuration includes it in the allowed literals.
_ ok 92 - Decimal zero is allowed even if the configuration specifies that there aren't any allowed types.
_ ok 93 - Floating-point zero is not allowed if the configuration specifies that there aren't any allowed types.
_ ok 94 - Decimal one is allowed even if the configuration specifies that there aren't any allowed types.
_ ok 95 - Floating-point one is not allowed if the configuration specifies that there aren't any allowed types.
_ ok 96 - Decimal zero is allowed if the configuration specifies that there are any allowed types.
_ ok 97 - Floating-point zero is allowed if the configuration specifies that the Float type is allowed.
_ ok 98 - Decimal one is allowed if the configuration specifies that there are any allowed types.
_ ok 99 - Floating-point one is allowed if the configuration specifies that the Float type is allowed.
_ ok 100 - Binary zero is allowed if the configuration specifies that the Binary type is allowed.
_ ok 101 - Binary one is allowed if the configuration specifies that the Binary type is allowed.
_ ok 102 - Exponential zero is allowed if the configuration specifies that the Exp type is allowed.
_ ok 103 - Exponential one is allowed if the configuration specifies that the Exp type is allowed.
_ ok 104 - Hexadecimal zero is allowed if the configuration specifies that the Hex type is allowed.
_ ok 105 - Hexadecimal one is allowed if the configuration specifies that the Hex type is allowed.
_ ok 106 - Octal zero is allowed if the configuration specifies that the Octal type is allowed.
_ ok 107 - Octal one is allowed if the configuration specifies that the Octal type is allowed.
_ ok 108 - Any integer value should pass if the allowed values contains 'all_integers'.
_ ok 109 - Any floating-point value without a fractional portion should pass if the allowed values contains 'all_integers'.
_ ok 110 - A non-integral value should pass if the allowed values contains it and 'all_integers'.
_ ok 111 - Any binary value should pass if the allowed values contains 'all_integers' and allowed types includes 'Binary'.
_ ok 112 - Any hexadecimal value should pass if the allowed values contains 'all_integers' and allowed types includes 'Hex'.
_ ok 113 - Any octal value should pass if the allowed values contains 'all_integers' and allowed types includes 'Octal'.
_ ok 114 - Zero, one, three, four, and five decimal values should pass if the allowed values contains the '3..5' range.
_ ok 115 - Negative one, two, and six decimal values and fractional values should not pass if the allowed values contains the '3..5' range.
_ ok 116 - -3/2, -2/2, -1/2 ... 7/5 should pass if the allowed values contains the '-1.5..3.5:by(0.5)' range.
_ ok 117 - Negative two and four should not pass if the allowed values contains the '-1.5..3.5:by(0.5)' range.
_ ok 118 - -3/2, -1/2, 1/2 ... 7/5, plus 0 and 1 should pass if the allowed values contains the '-1.5..3.5' range.
_ ok 119 - -3/2, -2/2, -1/2 ... 7/5 should pass if the allowed values contains the '-1.5..3.5' range and 'all_integers'.
_ ok 120 - -5, -4, -3, -2, 0, 1, 21, 22, 23, and 24 should pass if the allowed values contains the '-5..-2' and '21..24 ranges.
_ ok 121 - Should pass mini-CPAN accumulated \$VERSION declarations.
_ ok 122 - user-defined constant creators. RT \#62562
_ ok 123 - allow version as second argument of package. RT \#67159
_ ok 124 - no lint
_ 1..124
_ ok
_ t/Policy/ValuesAndExpressions/prohibit_version_strings.t ................................... 
_ ok 1 - Basic passing
_ ok 2 - use failure
_ ok 3 - require failure
_ ok 4 - embedded comment - RT 44986
_ ok 5 - no lint
_ 1..5
_ ok
_ t/Policy/ValuesAndExpressions/require_constant_version.t ................................... 
_ ok 1 - basic passes
_ ok 2 - basic failures
_ ok 3 - require 'use version' before qv()
_ ok 4 - require 'use version' before version->new()
_ ok 5 - passes involving other assignment operators
_ ok 6 - failures involving other assignment operators
_ ok 7 - passes from the treasury
_ ok 8 - failures from the treasury
_ ok 9 - version-like things are OK without 'use version;' if explicitly allowed
_ ok 10 - RT \#55600 ( $bar = sprintf '%s', $VERSION ) =~ s/0// false positive
_ ok 11 - no lint
_ 1..11
_ ok
_ t/Policy/ValuesAndExpressions/require_interpolation_of_metachars.t ......................... 
_ ok 1 - Basic passing.
_ ok 2 - Basic failure.
_ ok 3 - Failure of simple scalar variables.
_ ok 4 - Failure of simple array variables.
_ ok 5 - Failure of common punctuation variables.
_ ok 6 - Failure of @+ & @-.
_ ok 7 - Failure of @^H.
_ ok 8 - Readonly constant from Modules::ProhibitAutomaticExportation.
_ ok 9 - OK to escape backslashes.
_ ok 10 - OK to escape quotes.
_ ok 11 - Valid escapes should not hide invalid ones.
_ ok 12 - Sigil characters not looking like sigils.
_ ok 13 - Do complain about RCS variables, if not turned on.
_ ok 14 - Don't complain about RCS variables, if turned on.
_ ok 15 - Don't complain about '${}' and '@{}' because they're invalid syntax. See RT \#38528/commit r3077 for original problem/solution.
_ ok 16 - use vars arguments.
_ ok 17 - Include statement failure.
_ ok 18 - Things that look like email addresses.
_ ok 19 - More things that look like email addresses.
_ ok 20 - Confirm we flag all defined backslashed interpolations. RT \#61970
_ ok 21 - Confirm we ignore all non-special backslashed word characters. RT \#61970
_ ok 22 - no lint
_ 1..22
_ ok
_ t/Policy/ValuesAndExpressions/require_number_separators.t .................................. 
_ ok 1 - Basic passing
_ ok 2 - Basic failure
_ ok 3 - Below configuration minimum passing
_ ok 4 - Above configuration minimum failure
_ ok 5 - no lint
_ 1..5
_ ok
_ t/Policy/ValuesAndExpressions/require_quoted_heredoc_terminator.t .......................... 
_ ok 1 - Basic failure
_ ok 2 - Single quote passing
_ ok 3 - Double quote passing
_ ok 4 - RT\# 25085: Spaces before HEREDOC token - w/ double quotes
_ ok 5 - RT\# 25085: Spaces before HEREDOC token - w/ single quotes
_ ok 6 - no lint
_ 1..6
_ ok
_ t/Policy/ValuesAndExpressions/require_upper_case_heredoc_terminator.t ...................... 
_ ok 1 - Basic passing w/double quoted
_ ok 2 - Basic passing w/single quoted
_ ok 3 - Basic passing w/bare word
_ ok 4 - Double quoted failure
_ ok 5 - Single quoted failure
_ ok 6 - Bareword failure
_ ok 7 - RT \#27073: Spaces before HEREDOC token
_ ok 8 - no lint
_ 1..8
_ ok
_ t/Policy/Variables/prohibit_augumented_assignment_in_declaration.t ......................... 
_     # Subtest: Normal assignment ok
_     ok 1
_     1..1
_ ok 1 - Normal assignment ok
_     # Subtest: Normal assignment with operators ok
_     ok 1
_     1..1
_ ok 2 - Normal assignment with operators ok
_     # Subtest: real life regression
_     ok 1
_     1..1
_ ok 3 - real life regression
_     # Subtest: scalar augumented assignment
_     ok 1
_     1..1
_ ok 4 - scalar augumented assignment
_     # Subtest: real life examples
_     ok 1
_     1..1
_ ok 5 - real life examples
_     # Subtest: no lint
_     ok 1
_     1..1
_ ok 6 - no lint
_ 1..6
_ ok
_ t/Policy/Variables/prohibit_conditional_declarations.t ..................................... 
_     # Subtest: with if at post-position
_     ok 1
_     1..1
_ ok 1 - with if at post-position
_     # Subtest: with unless at post-position
_     ok 1
_     1..1
_ ok 2 - with unless at post-position
_     # Subtest: with while at post-position
_     ok 1
_     1..1
_ ok 3 - with while at post-position
_     # Subtest: with for at post-position
_     ok 1
_     1..1
_ ok 4 - with for at post-position
_     # Subtest: with foreach at post-position
_     ok 1
_     1..1
_ ok 5 - with foreach at post-position
_     # Subtest: passing cases
_     ok 1
_     1..1
_ ok 6 - passing cases
_     # Subtest: local is exempt
_     ok 1
_     1..1
_ ok 7 - local is exempt
_     # Subtest: no lint
_     ok 1
_     1..1
_ ok 8 - no lint
_ 1..8
_ ok
_ t/Policy/Variables/prohibit_local_vars.t ................................................... 
_ ok 1 - basics
_ ok 2 - exceptions
_ ok 3 - no lint
_ 1..3
_ ok
_ t/Policy/Variables/prohibit_match_vars.t ................................................... 
_ ok 1 - Basic
_ ok 2 - English with multiple args
_ ok 3 - Ignore case handled by RequireNoMatchVarsWithUseEnglish
_ ok 4 - no_match_vars
_ ok 5 - no lint
_ 1..5
_ ok
_ t/Policy/Variables/prohibit_evil_variables.t ............................................... 
_ ok 1 - 2 evil variables
_ ok 2 - plain evil variables
_ ok 3 - evil variables with brackets
_ ok 4 - subscripted evil variables with brackets
_ ok 5 - No evil variables
_ ok 6 - 2 evil variables, with pattern matching
_ ok 7 - More evil variables, with mixed config
_ ok 8 - Recognize use of elements of evil arrays and hashes
_ ok 9 - Regexes with modifiers
_ ok 10 - More evil variables, with more pattern matching
_ ok 11 - Providing the description for variables, no regular expressions.
_ ok 12 - Providing the description for variables, regular expressions.
_ ok 13 - Providing the description for variables, regular expressions with modifiers.
_ ok 14 - Providing the description for variables from file, no regular expressions.
_ ok 15 - Providing the description for variables from file, regular expressions.
_ ok 16 - no lint
_ 1..16
_ ok
_ t/Policy/Variables/prohibit_package_vars.t ................................................. 
_ ok 1 - Basic failures
_ ok 2 - Basic passes - our
_ ok 3 - Basic passes - use vars
_ ok 4 - Basic passes - symbols
_ ok 5 - Lexicals should pass
_ ok 6 - Default package exceptions
_ ok 7 - Add to default exceptions
_ ok 8 - Override default package exceptions
_ ok 9 - Override default package exceptions, null package
_ ok 10 - no lint
_ 1..10
_ ok
_ t/Policy/Variables/prohibit_perl4package_names.t ........................................... 
_ ok 1 - Perl 4 package declarations
_ ok 2 - Perl 5 package declarations
_ ok 3 - Perl 4 simple variable access
_ ok 4 - Perl 5 simple variable access
_ ok 5 - Perl 4 simple variable assignment
_ ok 6 - Perl 4 localized variable assignment
_ ok 7 - Perl 5 simple variable assignment
_ ok 8 - Perl 5 localized variable assignment
_ ok 9 - Perl 4 simple subroutine invocation
_ ok 10 - Perl 5 simple subroutine invocation
_ ok 11 - Perl 4 simple direct class method invocation
_ ok 12 - Perl 5 simple direct class method invocation
_ ok 13 - Perl 4 simple indirect class method invocation
_ ok 14 - Perl 5 simple indirect class method invocation
_ ok 15 - complicated statements
_ ok 16 - hash keys
_ ok 17 - $POSTMATCH
_ ok 18 - no lint
_ 1..18
_ ok
_ t/Policy/Variables/prohibit_reused_names.t ................................................. 
_ ok 1 - Dereference
_ ok 2 - Simple block
_ ok 3 - Array
_ ok 4 - Hash
_ ok 5 - Outer bleeds into sub
_ ok 6 - Reversed scope
_ ok 7 - Our
_ ok 8 - Our vs. my
_ ok 9 - Same scope
_ ok 10 - Conditional block
_ ok 11 - For loop
_ ok 12 - While loop
_ ok 13 - Deep block
_ ok 14 - Other "my" syntax
_ ok 15 - Empty "my" (which is invalid Perl syntax, but supported)
_ ok 16 - $self - RT \#42767
_ ok 17 - $class - RT \#42767
_ ok 18 - allow
_ ok 19 - our with multiple packages - RT \#43754
_ ok 20 - no lint
_ 1..20
_ ok
_ t/Policy/Variables/prohibit_punctuation_vars.t ............................................. 
_ ok 1 - Basic failure
_ ok 2 - Basic failure (needs to be merged into prior test once PPI knows how to parse '%-'
_ ok 3 - English is nice
_ ok 4 - Permitted variables
_ ok 5 - Configuration
_ ok 6 - PPI::Token::Quote::Double Interpolation: violations
_ ok 7 - PPI::Token::Quote::Double Interpolation: non-violations
_ ok 8 - PPI::Token::Quote::Interpolate Interpolation: violations
_ ok 9 - PPI::Token::Quote::Interpolate Interpolation: non-violations
_ ok 10 - PPI::Token::QuoteLike::Command: violations
_ ok 11 - PPI::Token::QuoteLike::Command: non-violations
_ ok 12 - PPI::Token::QuoteLike::Backtick: violations
_ ok 13 - PPI::Token::QuoteLike::Backtick: non-violations
_ ok 14 - PPI::Token::QuoteLike::Regexp: violations
_ ok 15 - PPI::Token::QuoteLike::Regexp: non-violations
_ ok 16 - PPI::Token::QuoteLike::Readline: violations
_ ok 17 - PPI::Token::QuoteLike::Readline: non-violations
_ ok 18 - Quoted String Interpolation - ignored magic vars
_ ok 19 - Quoted String Interpolation - exhaustive tests
_ ok 20 - String Interpolation - 'disable' mode
_ ok 21 - String Interpolation - explicit 'simple' mode
_ ok 22 - String Interpolation - thorough-mode special case violations
_ ok 23 - String Interpolation - thorough-mode mixed multiple violations
_ ok 24 - String Interpolation - thorough-mode special case non-violations
_ ok 25 - sprintf formats - RT \#49016
_ ok 26 - trailing dollar sign is not a punctuation variable - RT \#55604
_ ok 27 - no lint
_ 1..27
_ ok
_ t/Policy/Variables/prohibit_unused_variables.t ............................................. 
_ ok 1 - Simple unused, single, unassigned lexical.
_ ok 2 - Simple unused, multiple, unassigned lexicals.
_ ok 3 - Simple unused assigned lexicals.  Not going to handle this yet.
_ ok 4 - List assignment.  Not going to handle this yet.
_ ok 5 - Simple unused explicit global.
_ ok 6 - Simple unused implicit global.
_ ok 7 - Simple unused localized.
_ ok 8 - Simple used lexical scalar.
_ ok 9 - Simple used lexical array.
_ ok 10 - Simple used lexical hash.
_ ok 11 - Shadowed variable.  No going to handle this yet.
_ ok 12 - Separate lexicals.  No going to handle this yet.
_ ok 13 - Closures
_ ok 14 - Interpolation in replacement portion of s/.../.../smx
_ ok 15 - Interpolation in replacement portion of s/.../.../smxe
_ ok 16 - Variable used in regexp embedded code
_ ok 17 - exist case (
_ ok 18 - not exist case (
_ ok 19 - different scope (
_ ok 20 - no lint
_ 1..20
_ ok
_ t/Policy/Variables/protect_private_vars.t .................................................. 
_ ok 1 - Basic failure
_ ok 2 - Basic passing
_ ok 3 - no lint
_ 1..3
_ ok
_ t/Policy/Variables/require_initialization_for_local_vars.t ................................. 
_ ok 1 - Basic
_ ok 2 - Initialized passes
_ ok 3 - key named "local"
_ ok 4 - Basic
_ 1..4
_ ok
_ t/Policy/Variables/require_lexical_loop_iterators.t ........................................ 
_ ok 1 - Basic failure
_ ok 2 - Basic passing
_ ok 3 - Passing lexicals on loops with labels.
_ ok 4 - Failing lexicals on loops with labels.
_ ok 5 - Implicit $_ passes
_ ok 6 - Other compounds
_ ok 7 - Ignore really, really old Perls. RT \#67760
_ ok 8 - no lint
_ 1..8
_ ok
_ t/Policy/Variables/require_negative_indices.t .............................................. 
_ ok 1 - Basic passing
_ ok 2 - Basic failure
_ ok 3 - Complex failures
_ ok 4 - Really hard failures that we can't detect yet
_ ok 5 - no lint
_ 1..5
_ ok
_ t/Policy/Variables/require_localized_punctuation_vars.t .................................... 
_ ok 1 - Named magic variables, special case passes
_ ok 2 - Named magic variables, pass local
_ ok 3 - Named magic variables, pass local()
_ ok 4 - Named magic variables, pass (local)
_ ok 5 - Named magic variables, pass = (local) =
_ ok 6 - Named magic variables, pass local dereferenced
_ ok 7 - Named magic variables, pass non-local but in exception list
_ ok 8 - Named magic variables, fail non-local, non-carats
_ ok 9 - Named magic variables, fail non-local, carats
_ ok 10 - Named magic variables, fail non-local, carats, no space
_ ok 11 - Named magic variables, fail = (non-local) =
_ ok 12 - Named magic variables, fail (non-local)
_ ok 13 - Named magic variables, fail non-local dereferenced
_ ok 14 - Allowing a variable with a particular sigil doesn't allow other variables with the same name but different sigils
_ ok 15 - Allow "my" as well, RT \#33937
_ 1..15
_ ok
_ t/Test/00_compile.t ........................................................................ 
_ ok 1 - use Test::Perl::Lint;
_ 1..1
_ ok
_ t/Test/01_basic.t .......................................................................... 
_ ok 1 - testing all_policies_ok()
_ 1..1
_ ok
_ t/Policy/NamingConventions/capitalization.t ................................................ 
_ ok 1 - Basic Passes
_ ok 2 - Basic Failures
_ ok 3 - Special case: main
_ ok 4 - Combined passes and fails
_ ok 5 - Variables from other packages should pass
_ ok 6 - Only cares about declarations
_ ok 7 - Constants must be all caps, passes
_ ok 8 - Constants must be all caps, failures
_ ok 9 - PPI misparses part of ternary as a label (RT \#41170)
_ ok 10 - Package named "all_lower_case" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 11 - Exempted package named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 12 - Package named "guaranteed_to_pass::all_lower_case" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 13 - Subroutine named "all_lower_case" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 14 - Exempted subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 15 - Subroutine named "Foo::Bar::all_lower_case" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 16 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "all_lower_case" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 17 - Exempted local lexical variable in subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 18 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "all_lower_case" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 19 - "our" variable named "all_lower_case" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 20 - Exempted "our" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 21 - "local" variable named "all_lower_case" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 22 - Exempted "local" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 23 - Local lexical variable as foreach loop variable named "all_lower_case" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 24 - State variable as foreach loop variable named "all_lower_case" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 25 - Global variable as foreach loop variable named "all_lower_case" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 26 - Localized builtin variable
_ ok 27 - Localized $\
_ ok 28 - Local lexical variable as C-style for loop variable named "all_lower_case" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 29 - State variable as C-style for loop variable named "all_lower_case" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 30 - Global variable as C-style for loop variable named "all_lower_case" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 31 - Localized variable as C-style for loop variable named "all_lower_case" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 32 - Localized builtin variable as C-style for loop variable vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 33 - Localized variable in another package as C-style for loop variable vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 34 - Local lexical variable, in I/O assignment in while loop, named "all_lower_case" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 35 - Label named "all_lower_case" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 36 - Exempted label named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 37 - Package named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 38 - Exempted package named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 39 - Package named "guaranteed_to_pass::ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 40 - Subroutine named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 41 - Exempted subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 42 - Subroutine named "Foo::Bar::ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 43 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 44 - Exempted local lexical variable in subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 45 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 46 - "our" variable named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 47 - Exempted "our" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 48 - "local" variable named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 49 - Exempted "local" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 50 - Local lexical variable as foreach loop variable named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 51 - State variable as foreach loop variable named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 52 - Global variable as foreach loop variable named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 53 - Localized builtin variable
_ ok 54 - Localized $\
_ ok 55 - Local lexical variable as C-style for loop variable named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 56 - State variable as C-style for loop variable named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 57 - Global variable as C-style for loop variable named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 58 - Localized variable as C-style for loop variable named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 59 - Localized builtin variable as C-style for loop variable vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 60 - Localized variable in another package as C-style for loop variable vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 61 - Local lexical variable, in I/O assignment in while loop, named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 62 - Label named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 63 - Exempted label named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 64 - Package named "mixedCase" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 65 - Exempted package named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 66 - Package named "guaranteed_to_pass::mixedCase" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 67 - Subroutine named "mixedCase" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 68 - Exempted subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 69 - Subroutine named "Foo::Bar::mixedCase" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 70 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "mixedCase" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 71 - Exempted local lexical variable in subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 72 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "mixedCase" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 73 - "our" variable named "mixedCase" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 74 - Exempted "our" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 75 - "local" variable named "mixedCase" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 76 - Exempted "local" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 77 - Local lexical variable as foreach loop variable named "mixedCase" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 78 - State variable as foreach loop variable named "mixedCase" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 79 - Global variable as foreach loop variable named "mixedCase" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 80 - Localized builtin variable
_ ok 81 - Localized $\
_ ok 82 - Local lexical variable as C-style for loop variable named "mixedCase" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 83 - State variable as C-style for loop variable named "mixedCase" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 84 - Global variable as C-style for loop variable named "mixedCase" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 85 - Localized variable as C-style for loop variable named "mixedCase" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 86 - Localized builtin variable as C-style for loop variable vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 87 - Localized variable in another package as C-style for loop variable vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 88 - Local lexical variable, in I/O assignment in while loop, named "mixedCase" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 89 - Label named "mixedCase" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 90 - Exempted label named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 91 - Package named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 92 - Exempted package named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 93 - Package named "guaranteed_to_pass::a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 94 - Subroutine named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 95 - Exempted subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 96 - Subroutine named "Foo::Bar::a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 97 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 98 - Exempted local lexical variable in subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 99 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 100 - "our" variable named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 101 - Exempted "our" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 102 - "local" variable named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 103 - Exempted "local" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 104 - Local lexical variable as foreach loop variable named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 105 - State variable as foreach loop variable named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 106 - Global variable as foreach loop variable named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 107 - Localized builtin variable
_ ok 108 - Localized $\
_ ok 109 - Local lexical variable as C-style for loop variable named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 110 - State variable as C-style for loop variable named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 111 - Global variable as C-style for loop variable named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 112 - Localized variable as C-style for loop variable named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 113 - Localized builtin variable as C-style for loop variable vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 114 - Localized variable in another package as C-style for loop variable vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 115 - Local lexical variable, in I/O assignment in while loop, named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 116 - Label named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 117 - Exempted label named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 118 - Package named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 119 - Exempted package named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 120 - Package named "guaranteed_to_pass::A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 121 - Subroutine named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 122 - Exempted subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 123 - Subroutine named "Foo::Bar::A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 124 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 125 - Exempted local lexical variable in subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 126 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 127 - "our" variable named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 128 - Exempted "our" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 129 - "local" variable named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 130 - Exempted "local" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 131 - Local lexical variable as foreach loop variable named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 132 - State variable as foreach loop variable named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 133 - Global variable as foreach loop variable named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 134 - Localized builtin variable
_ ok 135 - Localized $\
_ ok 136 - Local lexical variable as C-style for loop variable named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 137 - State variable as C-style for loop variable named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 138 - Global variable as C-style for loop variable named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 139 - Localized variable as C-style for loop variable named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 140 - Localized builtin variable as C-style for loop variable vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 141 - Localized variable in another package as C-style for loop variable vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 142 - Local lexical variable, in I/O assignment in while loop, named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 143 - Label named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 144 - Exempted label named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":single_case" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 145 - Package named "all_lower_case" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 146 - Exempted package named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 147 - Package named "guaranteed_to_pass::all_lower_case" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 148 - Subroutine named "all_lower_case" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 149 - Exempted subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 150 - Subroutine named "Foo::Bar::all_lower_case" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 151 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "all_lower_case" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 152 - Exempted local lexical variable in subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 153 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "all_lower_case" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 154 - "our" variable named "all_lower_case" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 155 - Exempted "our" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 156 - "local" variable named "all_lower_case" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 157 - Exempted "local" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 158 - Local lexical variable as foreach loop variable named "all_lower_case" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 159 - State variable as foreach loop variable named "all_lower_case" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 160 - Global variable as foreach loop variable named "all_lower_case" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 161 - Localized builtin variable
_ ok 162 - Localized $\
_ ok 163 - Local lexical variable as C-style for loop variable named "all_lower_case" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 164 - State variable as C-style for loop variable named "all_lower_case" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 165 - Global variable as C-style for loop variable named "all_lower_case" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 166 - Localized variable as C-style for loop variable named "all_lower_case" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 167 - Localized builtin variable as C-style for loop variable vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 168 - Localized variable in another package as C-style for loop variable vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 169 - Local lexical variable, in I/O assignment in while loop, named "all_lower_case" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 170 - Label named "all_lower_case" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 171 - Exempted label named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 172 - Package named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 173 - Exempted package named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 174 - Package named "guaranteed_to_pass::ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 175 - Subroutine named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 176 - Exempted subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 177 - Subroutine named "Foo::Bar::ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 178 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 179 - Exempted local lexical variable in subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 180 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 181 - "our" variable named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 182 - Exempted "our" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 183 - "local" variable named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 184 - Exempted "local" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 185 - Local lexical variable as foreach loop variable named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 186 - State variable as foreach loop variable named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 187 - Global variable as foreach loop variable named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 188 - Localized builtin variable
_ ok 189 - Localized $\
_ ok 190 - Local lexical variable as C-style for loop variable named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 191 - State variable as C-style for loop variable named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 192 - Global variable as C-style for loop variable named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 193 - Localized variable as C-style for loop variable named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 194 - Localized builtin variable as C-style for loop variable vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 195 - Localized variable in another package as C-style for loop variable vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 196 - Local lexical variable, in I/O assignment in while loop, named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 197 - Label named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 198 - Exempted label named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 199 - Package named "mixedCase" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 200 - Exempted package named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 201 - Package named "guaranteed_to_pass::mixedCase" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 202 - Subroutine named "mixedCase" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 203 - Exempted subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 204 - Subroutine named "Foo::Bar::mixedCase" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 205 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "mixedCase" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 206 - Exempted local lexical variable in subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 207 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "mixedCase" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 208 - "our" variable named "mixedCase" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 209 - Exempted "our" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 210 - "local" variable named "mixedCase" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 211 - Exempted "local" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 212 - Local lexical variable as foreach loop variable named "mixedCase" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 213 - State variable as foreach loop variable named "mixedCase" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 214 - Global variable as foreach loop variable named "mixedCase" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 215 - Localized builtin variable
_ ok 216 - Localized $\
_ ok 217 - Local lexical variable as C-style for loop variable named "mixedCase" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 218 - State variable as C-style for loop variable named "mixedCase" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 219 - Global variable as C-style for loop variable named "mixedCase" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 220 - Localized variable as C-style for loop variable named "mixedCase" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 221 - Localized builtin variable as C-style for loop variable vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 222 - Localized variable in another package as C-style for loop variable vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 223 - Local lexical variable, in I/O assignment in while loop, named "mixedCase" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 224 - Label named "mixedCase" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 225 - Exempted label named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 226 - Package named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 227 - Exempted package named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 228 - Package named "guaranteed_to_pass::a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 229 - Subroutine named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 230 - Exempted subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 231 - Subroutine named "Foo::Bar::a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 232 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 233 - Exempted local lexical variable in subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 234 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 235 - "our" variable named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 236 - Exempted "our" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 237 - "local" variable named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 238 - Exempted "local" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 239 - Local lexical variable as foreach loop variable named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 240 - State variable as foreach loop variable named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 241 - Global variable as foreach loop variable named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 242 - Localized builtin variable
_ ok 243 - Localized $\
_ ok 244 - Local lexical variable as C-style for loop variable named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 245 - State variable as C-style for loop variable named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 246 - Global variable as C-style for loop variable named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 247 - Localized variable as C-style for loop variable named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 248 - Localized builtin variable as C-style for loop variable vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 249 - Localized variable in another package as C-style for loop variable vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 250 - Local lexical variable, in I/O assignment in while loop, named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 251 - Label named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 252 - Exempted label named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 253 - Package named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 254 - Exempted package named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 255 - Package named "guaranteed_to_pass::A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 256 - Subroutine named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 257 - Exempted subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 258 - Subroutine named "Foo::Bar::A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 259 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 260 - Exempted local lexical variable in subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 261 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 262 - "our" variable named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 263 - Exempted "our" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 264 - "local" variable named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 265 - Exempted "local" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 266 - Local lexical variable as foreach loop variable named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 267 - State variable as foreach loop variable named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 268 - Global variable as foreach loop variable named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 269 - Localized builtin variable
_ ok 270 - Localized $\
_ ok 271 - Local lexical variable as C-style for loop variable named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 272 - State variable as C-style for loop variable named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 273 - Global variable as C-style for loop variable named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 274 - Localized variable as C-style for loop variable named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 275 - Localized builtin variable as C-style for loop variable vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 276 - Localized variable in another package as C-style for loop variable vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 277 - Local lexical variable, in I/O assignment in while loop, named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 278 - Label named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 279 - Exempted label named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 280 - Package named "all_lower_case" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 281 - Exempted package named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 282 - Package named "GUARANTEED_TO_PASS::all_lower_case" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 283 - Subroutine named "all_lower_case" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 284 - Exempted subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 285 - Subroutine named "Foo::Bar::all_lower_case" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 286 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "all_lower_case" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 287 - Exempted local lexical variable in subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 288 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "all_lower_case" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 289 - "our" variable named "all_lower_case" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 290 - Exempted "our" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 291 - "local" variable named "all_lower_case" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 292 - Exempted "local" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 293 - Local lexical variable as foreach loop variable named "all_lower_case" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 294 - State variable as foreach loop variable named "all_lower_case" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 295 - Global variable as foreach loop variable named "all_lower_case" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 296 - Localized builtin variable
_ ok 297 - Localized $\
_ ok 298 - Local lexical variable as C-style for loop variable named "all_lower_case" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 299 - State variable as C-style for loop variable named "all_lower_case" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 300 - Global variable as C-style for loop variable named "all_lower_case" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 301 - Localized variable as C-style for loop variable named "all_lower_case" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 302 - Localized builtin variable as C-style for loop variable vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 303 - Localized variable in another package as C-style for loop variable vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 304 - Local lexical variable, in I/O assignment in while loop, named "all_lower_case" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 305 - Label named "all_lower_case" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 306 - Exempted label named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 307 - Package named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 308 - Exempted package named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 309 - Package named "GUARANTEED_TO_PASS::ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 310 - Subroutine named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 311 - Exempted subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 312 - Subroutine named "Foo::Bar::ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 313 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 314 - Exempted local lexical variable in subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 315 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 316 - "our" variable named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 317 - Exempted "our" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 318 - "local" variable named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 319 - Exempted "local" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 320 - Local lexical variable as foreach loop variable named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 321 - State variable as foreach loop variable named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 322 - Global variable as foreach loop variable named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 323 - Localized builtin variable
_ ok 324 - Localized $\
_ ok 325 - Local lexical variable as C-style for loop variable named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 326 - State variable as C-style for loop variable named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 327 - Global variable as C-style for loop variable named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 328 - Localized variable as C-style for loop variable named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 329 - Localized builtin variable as C-style for loop variable vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 330 - Localized variable in another package as C-style for loop variable vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 331 - Local lexical variable, in I/O assignment in while loop, named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 332 - Label named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 333 - Exempted label named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 334 - Package named "mixedCase" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 335 - Exempted package named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 336 - Package named "GUARANTEED_TO_PASS::mixedCase" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 337 - Subroutine named "mixedCase" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 338 - Exempted subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 339 - Subroutine named "Foo::Bar::mixedCase" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 340 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "mixedCase" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 341 - Exempted local lexical variable in subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 342 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "mixedCase" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 343 - "our" variable named "mixedCase" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 344 - Exempted "our" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 345 - "local" variable named "mixedCase" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 346 - Exempted "local" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 347 - Local lexical variable as foreach loop variable named "mixedCase" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 348 - State variable as foreach loop variable named "mixedCase" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 349 - Global variable as foreach loop variable named "mixedCase" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 350 - Localized builtin variable
_ ok 351 - Localized $\
_ ok 352 - Local lexical variable as C-style for loop variable named "mixedCase" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 353 - State variable as C-style for loop variable named "mixedCase" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 354 - Global variable as C-style for loop variable named "mixedCase" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 355 - Localized variable as C-style for loop variable named "mixedCase" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 356 - Localized builtin variable as C-style for loop variable vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 357 - Localized variable in another package as C-style for loop variable vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 358 - Local lexical variable, in I/O assignment in while loop, named "mixedCase" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 359 - Label named "mixedCase" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 360 - Exempted label named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 361 - Package named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 362 - Exempted package named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 363 - Package named "GUARANTEED_TO_PASS::a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 364 - Subroutine named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 365 - Exempted subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 366 - Subroutine named "Foo::Bar::a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 367 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 368 - Exempted local lexical variable in subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 369 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 370 - "our" variable named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 371 - Exempted "our" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 372 - "local" variable named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 373 - Exempted "local" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 374 - Local lexical variable as foreach loop variable named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 375 - State variable as foreach loop variable named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 376 - Global variable as foreach loop variable named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 377 - Localized builtin variable
_ ok 378 - Localized $\
_ ok 379 - Local lexical variable as C-style for loop variable named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 380 - State variable as C-style for loop variable named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 381 - Global variable as C-style for loop variable named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 382 - Localized variable as C-style for loop variable named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 383 - Localized builtin variable as C-style for loop variable vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 384 - Localized variable in another package as C-style for loop variable vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 385 - Local lexical variable, in I/O assignment in while loop, named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 386 - Label named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 387 - Exempted label named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 388 - Package named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 389 - Exempted package named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 390 - Package named "GUARANTEED_TO_PASS::A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 391 - Subroutine named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 392 - Exempted subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 393 - Subroutine named "Foo::Bar::A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 394 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 395 - Exempted local lexical variable in subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 396 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 397 - "our" variable named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 398 - Exempted "our" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 399 - "local" variable named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 400 - Exempted "local" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 401 - Local lexical variable as foreach loop variable named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 402 - State variable as foreach loop variable named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 403 - Global variable as foreach loop variable named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 404 - Localized builtin variable
_ ok 405 - Localized $\
_ ok 406 - Local lexical variable as C-style for loop variable named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 407 - State variable as C-style for loop variable named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 408 - Global variable as C-style for loop variable named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 409 - Localized variable as C-style for loop variable named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 410 - Localized builtin variable as C-style for loop variable vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 411 - Localized variable in another package as C-style for loop variable vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 412 - Local lexical variable, in I/O assignment in while loop, named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 413 - Label named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 414 - Exempted label named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":all_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 415 - Package named "all_lower_case" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 416 - Exempted package named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 417 - Package named "guaranteed_to_pass::all_lower_case" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 418 - Subroutine named "all_lower_case" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 419 - Exempted subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 420 - Subroutine named "Foo::Bar::all_lower_case" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 421 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "all_lower_case" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 422 - Exempted local lexical variable in subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 423 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "all_lower_case" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 424 - "our" variable named "all_lower_case" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 425 - Exempted "our" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 426 - "local" variable named "all_lower_case" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 427 - Exempted "local" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 428 - Local lexical variable as foreach loop variable named "all_lower_case" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 429 - State variable as foreach loop variable named "all_lower_case" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 430 - Global variable as foreach loop variable named "all_lower_case" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 431 - Localized builtin variable
_ ok 432 - Localized $\
_ ok 433 - Local lexical variable as C-style for loop variable named "all_lower_case" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 434 - State variable as C-style for loop variable named "all_lower_case" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 435 - Global variable as C-style for loop variable named "all_lower_case" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 436 - Localized variable as C-style for loop variable named "all_lower_case" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 437 - Localized builtin variable as C-style for loop variable vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 438 - Localized variable in another package as C-style for loop variable vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 439 - Local lexical variable, in I/O assignment in while loop, named "all_lower_case" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 440 - Label named "all_lower_case" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 441 - Exempted label named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 442 - Package named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 443 - Exempted package named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 444 - Package named "guaranteed_to_pass::ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 445 - Subroutine named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 446 - Exempted subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 447 - Subroutine named "Foo::Bar::ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 448 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 449 - Exempted local lexical variable in subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 450 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 451 - "our" variable named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 452 - Exempted "our" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 453 - "local" variable named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 454 - Exempted "local" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 455 - Local lexical variable as foreach loop variable named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 456 - State variable as foreach loop variable named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 457 - Global variable as foreach loop variable named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 458 - Localized builtin variable
_ ok 459 - Localized $\
_ ok 460 - Local lexical variable as C-style for loop variable named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 461 - State variable as C-style for loop variable named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 462 - Global variable as C-style for loop variable named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 463 - Localized variable as C-style for loop variable named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 464 - Localized builtin variable as C-style for loop variable vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 465 - Localized variable in another package as C-style for loop variable vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 466 - Local lexical variable, in I/O assignment in while loop, named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 467 - Label named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 468 - Exempted label named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 469 - Package named "________all_lower_case_with_leading_underscores" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 470 - Exempted package named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 471 - Package named "guaranteed_to_pass::________all_lower_case_with_leading_underscores" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 472 - Subroutine named "________all_lower_case_with_leading_underscores" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 473 - Exempted subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 474 - Subroutine named "Foo::Bar::________all_lower_case_with_leading_underscores" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 475 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "________all_lower_case_with_leading_underscores" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 476 - Exempted local lexical variable in subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 477 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "________all_lower_case_with_leading_underscores" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 478 - "our" variable named "________all_lower_case_with_leading_underscores" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 479 - Exempted "our" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 480 - "local" variable named "________all_lower_case_with_leading_underscores" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 481 - Exempted "local" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 482 - Local lexical variable as foreach loop variable named "________all_lower_case_with_leading_underscores" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 483 - State variable as foreach loop variable named "________all_lower_case_with_leading_underscores" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 484 - Global variable as foreach loop variable named "________all_lower_case_with_leading_underscores" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 485 - Localized builtin variable
_ ok 486 - Localized $\
_ ok 487 - Local lexical variable as C-style for loop variable named "________all_lower_case_with_leading_underscores" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 488 - State variable as C-style for loop variable named "________all_lower_case_with_leading_underscores" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 489 - Global variable as C-style for loop variable named "________all_lower_case_with_leading_underscores" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 490 - Localized variable as C-style for loop variable named "________all_lower_case_with_leading_underscores" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 491 - Localized builtin variable as C-style for loop variable vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 492 - Localized variable in another package as C-style for loop variable vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 493 - Local lexical variable, in I/O assignment in while loop, named "________all_lower_case_with_leading_underscores" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 494 - Label named "________all_lower_case_with_leading_underscores" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 495 - Exempted label named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 496 - Package named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 497 - Exempted package named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 498 - Package named "guaranteed_to_pass::a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 499 - Subroutine named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 500 - Exempted subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 501 - Subroutine named "Foo::Bar::a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 502 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 503 - Exempted local lexical variable in subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 504 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 505 - "our" variable named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 506 - Exempted "our" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 507 - "local" variable named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 508 - Exempted "local" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 509 - Local lexical variable as foreach loop variable named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 510 - State variable as foreach loop variable named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 511 - Global variable as foreach loop variable named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 512 - Localized builtin variable
_ ok 513 - Localized $\
_ ok 514 - Local lexical variable as C-style for loop variable named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 515 - State variable as C-style for loop variable named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 516 - Global variable as C-style for loop variable named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 517 - Localized variable as C-style for loop variable named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 518 - Localized builtin variable as C-style for loop variable vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 519 - Localized variable in another package as C-style for loop variable vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 520 - Local lexical variable, in I/O assignment in while loop, named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 521 - Label named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 522 - Exempted label named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 523 - Package named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 524 - Exempted package named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 525 - Package named "guaranteed_to_pass::A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 526 - Subroutine named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 527 - Exempted subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 528 - Subroutine named "Foo::Bar::A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 529 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 530 - Exempted local lexical variable in subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 531 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 532 - "our" variable named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 533 - Exempted "our" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 534 - "local" variable named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 535 - Exempted "local" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 536 - Local lexical variable as foreach loop variable named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 537 - State variable as foreach loop variable named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 538 - Global variable as foreach loop variable named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 539 - Localized builtin variable
_ ok 540 - Localized $\
_ ok 541 - Local lexical variable as C-style for loop variable named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 542 - State variable as C-style for loop variable named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 543 - Global variable as C-style for loop variable named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 544 - Localized variable as C-style for loop variable named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 545 - Localized builtin variable as C-style for loop variable vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 546 - Localized variable in another package as C-style for loop variable vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 547 - Local lexical variable, in I/O assignment in while loop, named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 548 - Label named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 549 - Exempted label named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_lower" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 550 - Package named "all_lower_case" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 551 - Exempted package named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 552 - Package named "GUARANTEED_TO_PASS::all_lower_case" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 553 - Subroutine named "all_lower_case" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 554 - Exempted subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 555 - Subroutine named "Foo::Bar::all_lower_case" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 556 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "all_lower_case" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 557 - Exempted local lexical variable in subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 558 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "all_lower_case" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 559 - "our" variable named "all_lower_case" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 560 - Exempted "our" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 561 - "local" variable named "all_lower_case" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 562 - Exempted "local" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 563 - Local lexical variable as foreach loop variable named "all_lower_case" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 564 - State variable as foreach loop variable named "all_lower_case" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 565 - Global variable as foreach loop variable named "all_lower_case" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 566 - Localized builtin variable
_ ok 567 - Localized $\
_ ok 568 - Local lexical variable as C-style for loop variable named "all_lower_case" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 569 - State variable as C-style for loop variable named "all_lower_case" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 570 - Global variable as C-style for loop variable named "all_lower_case" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 571 - Localized variable as C-style for loop variable named "all_lower_case" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 572 - Localized builtin variable as C-style for loop variable vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 573 - Localized variable in another package as C-style for loop variable vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 574 - Local lexical variable, in I/O assignment in while loop, named "all_lower_case" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 575 - Label named "all_lower_case" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 576 - Exempted label named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 577 - Package named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 578 - Exempted package named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 579 - Package named "GUARANTEED_TO_PASS::ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 580 - Subroutine named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 581 - Exempted subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 582 - Subroutine named "Foo::Bar::ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 583 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 584 - Exempted local lexical variable in subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 585 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 586 - "our" variable named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 587 - Exempted "our" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 588 - "local" variable named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 589 - Exempted "local" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 590 - Local lexical variable as foreach loop variable named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 591 - State variable as foreach loop variable named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 592 - Global variable as foreach loop variable named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 593 - Localized builtin variable
_ ok 594 - Localized $\
_ ok 595 - Local lexical variable as C-style for loop variable named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 596 - State variable as C-style for loop variable named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 597 - Global variable as C-style for loop variable named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 598 - Localized variable as C-style for loop variable named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 599 - Localized builtin variable as C-style for loop variable vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 600 - Localized variable in another package as C-style for loop variable vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 601 - Local lexical variable, in I/O assignment in while loop, named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 602 - Label named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 603 - Exempted label named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 604 - Package named "________ALL_UPPER_CASE_WITH_LEADING_UNDERSCORES" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 605 - Exempted package named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 606 - Package named "GUARANTEED_TO_PASS::________ALL_UPPER_CASE_WITH_LEADING_UNDERSCORES" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 607 - Subroutine named "________ALL_UPPER_CASE_WITH_LEADING_UNDERSCORES" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 608 - Exempted subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 609 - Subroutine named "Foo::Bar::________ALL_UPPER_CASE_WITH_LEADING_UNDERSCORES" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 610 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "________ALL_UPPER_CASE_WITH_LEADING_UNDERSCORES" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 611 - Exempted local lexical variable in subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 612 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "________ALL_UPPER_CASE_WITH_LEADING_UNDERSCORES" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 613 - "our" variable named "________ALL_UPPER_CASE_WITH_LEADING_UNDERSCORES" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 614 - Exempted "our" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 615 - "local" variable named "________ALL_UPPER_CASE_WITH_LEADING_UNDERSCORES" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 616 - Exempted "local" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 617 - Local lexical variable as foreach loop variable named "________ALL_UPPER_CASE_WITH_LEADING_UNDERSCORES" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 618 - State variable as foreach loop variable named "________ALL_UPPER_CASE_WITH_LEADING_UNDERSCORES" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 619 - Global variable as foreach loop variable named "________ALL_UPPER_CASE_WITH_LEADING_UNDERSCORES" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 620 - Localized builtin variable
_ ok 621 - Localized $\
_ ok 622 - Local lexical variable as C-style for loop variable named "________ALL_UPPER_CASE_WITH_LEADING_UNDERSCORES" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 623 - State variable as C-style for loop variable named "________ALL_UPPER_CASE_WITH_LEADING_UNDERSCORES" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 624 - Global variable as C-style for loop variable named "________ALL_UPPER_CASE_WITH_LEADING_UNDERSCORES" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 625 - Localized variable as C-style for loop variable named "________ALL_UPPER_CASE_WITH_LEADING_UNDERSCORES" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 626 - Localized builtin variable as C-style for loop variable vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 627 - Localized variable in another package as C-style for loop variable vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 628 - Local lexical variable, in I/O assignment in while loop, named "________ALL_UPPER_CASE_WITH_LEADING_UNDERSCORES" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 629 - Label named "________ALL_UPPER_CASE_WITH_LEADING_UNDERSCORES" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 630 - Exempted label named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 631 - Package named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 632 - Exempted package named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 633 - Package named "GUARANTEED_TO_PASS::a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 634 - Subroutine named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 635 - Exempted subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 636 - Subroutine named "Foo::Bar::a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 637 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 638 - Exempted local lexical variable in subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 639 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 640 - "our" variable named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 641 - Exempted "our" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 642 - "local" variable named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 643 - Exempted "local" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 644 - Local lexical variable as foreach loop variable named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 645 - State variable as foreach loop variable named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 646 - Global variable as foreach loop variable named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 647 - Localized builtin variable
_ ok 648 - Localized $\
_ ok 649 - Local lexical variable as C-style for loop variable named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 650 - State variable as C-style for loop variable named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 651 - Global variable as C-style for loop variable named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 652 - Localized variable as C-style for loop variable named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 653 - Localized builtin variable as C-style for loop variable vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 654 - Localized variable in another package as C-style for loop variable vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 655 - Local lexical variable, in I/O assignment in while loop, named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 656 - Label named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 657 - Exempted label named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 658 - Package named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 659 - Exempted package named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 660 - Package named "GUARANTEED_TO_PASS::A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 661 - Subroutine named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 662 - Exempted subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 663 - Subroutine named "Foo::Bar::A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 664 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 665 - Exempted local lexical variable in subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 666 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 667 - "our" variable named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 668 - Exempted "our" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 669 - "local" variable named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 670 - Exempted "local" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 671 - Local lexical variable as foreach loop variable named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 672 - State variable as foreach loop variable named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 673 - Global variable as foreach loop variable named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 674 - Localized builtin variable
_ ok 675 - Localized $\
_ ok 676 - Local lexical variable as C-style for loop variable named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 677 - State variable as C-style for loop variable named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 678 - Global variable as C-style for loop variable named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 679 - Localized variable as C-style for loop variable named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 680 - Localized builtin variable as C-style for loop variable vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 681 - Localized variable in another package as C-style for loop variable vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 682 - Local lexical variable, in I/O assignment in while loop, named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 683 - Label named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 684 - Exempted label named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":starts_with_upper" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 685 - Package named "all_lower_case" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 686 - Exempted package named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 687 - Package named "guaranteed_to_pass::all_lower_case" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 688 - Subroutine named "all_lower_case" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 689 - Exempted subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 690 - Subroutine named "Foo::Bar::all_lower_case" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 691 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "all_lower_case" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 692 - Exempted local lexical variable in subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 693 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "all_lower_case" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 694 - "our" variable named "all_lower_case" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 695 - Exempted "our" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 696 - "local" variable named "all_lower_case" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 697 - Exempted "local" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 698 - Local lexical variable as foreach loop variable named "all_lower_case" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 699 - State variable as foreach loop variable named "all_lower_case" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 700 - Global variable as foreach loop variable named "all_lower_case" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 701 - Localized builtin variable
_ ok 702 - Localized $\
_ ok 703 - Local lexical variable as C-style for loop variable named "all_lower_case" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 704 - State variable as C-style for loop variable named "all_lower_case" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 705 - Global variable as C-style for loop variable named "all_lower_case" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 706 - Localized variable as C-style for loop variable named "all_lower_case" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 707 - Localized builtin variable as C-style for loop variable vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 708 - Localized variable in another package as C-style for loop variable vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 709 - Local lexical variable, in I/O assignment in while loop, named "all_lower_case" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 710 - Label named "all_lower_case" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 711 - Exempted label named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 712 - Package named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 713 - Exempted package named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 714 - Package named "guaranteed_to_pass::ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 715 - Subroutine named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 716 - Exempted subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 717 - Subroutine named "Foo::Bar::ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 718 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 719 - Exempted local lexical variable in subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 720 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 721 - "our" variable named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 722 - Exempted "our" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 723 - "local" variable named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 724 - Exempted "local" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 725 - Local lexical variable as foreach loop variable named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 726 - State variable as foreach loop variable named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 727 - Global variable as foreach loop variable named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 728 - Localized builtin variable
_ ok 729 - Localized $\
_ ok 730 - Local lexical variable as C-style for loop variable named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 731 - State variable as C-style for loop variable named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 732 - Global variable as C-style for loop variable named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 733 - Localized variable as C-style for loop variable named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 734 - Localized builtin variable as C-style for loop variable vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 735 - Localized variable in another package as C-style for loop variable vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 736 - Local lexical variable, in I/O assignment in while loop, named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 737 - Label named "ALL_UPPER_CASE" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 738 - Exempted label named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 739 - Package named "mixedCase" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 740 - Exempted package named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 741 - Package named "guaranteed_to_pass::mixedCase" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 742 - Subroutine named "mixedCase" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 743 - Exempted subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 744 - Subroutine named "Foo::Bar::mixedCase" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 745 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "mixedCase" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 746 - Exempted local lexical variable in subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 747 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "mixedCase" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 748 - "our" variable named "mixedCase" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 749 - Exempted "our" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 750 - "local" variable named "mixedCase" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 751 - Exempted "local" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 752 - Local lexical variable as foreach loop variable named "mixedCase" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 753 - State variable as foreach loop variable named "mixedCase" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 754 - Global variable as foreach loop variable named "mixedCase" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 755 - Localized builtin variable
_ ok 756 - Localized $\
_ ok 757 - Local lexical variable as C-style for loop variable named "mixedCase" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 758 - State variable as C-style for loop variable named "mixedCase" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 759 - Global variable as C-style for loop variable named "mixedCase" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 760 - Localized variable as C-style for loop variable named "mixedCase" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 761 - Localized builtin variable as C-style for loop variable vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 762 - Localized variable in another package as C-style for loop variable vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 763 - Local lexical variable, in I/O assignment in while loop, named "mixedCase" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 764 - Label named "mixedCase" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 765 - Exempted label named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 766 - Package named "________ALL_UPPER_CASE_WITH_LEADING_UNDERSCORES" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 767 - Exempted package named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 768 - Package named "guaranteed_to_pass::________ALL_UPPER_CASE_WITH_LEADING_UNDERSCORES" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 769 - Subroutine named "________ALL_UPPER_CASE_WITH_LEADING_UNDERSCORES" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 770 - Exempted subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 771 - Subroutine named "Foo::Bar::________ALL_UPPER_CASE_WITH_LEADING_UNDERSCORES" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 772 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "________ALL_UPPER_CASE_WITH_LEADING_UNDERSCORES" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 773 - Exempted local lexical variable in subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 774 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "________ALL_UPPER_CASE_WITH_LEADING_UNDERSCORES" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 775 - "our" variable named "________ALL_UPPER_CASE_WITH_LEADING_UNDERSCORES" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 776 - Exempted "our" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 777 - "local" variable named "________ALL_UPPER_CASE_WITH_LEADING_UNDERSCORES" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 778 - Exempted "local" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 779 - Local lexical variable as foreach loop variable named "________ALL_UPPER_CASE_WITH_LEADING_UNDERSCORES" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 780 - State variable as foreach loop variable named "________ALL_UPPER_CASE_WITH_LEADING_UNDERSCORES" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 781 - Global variable as foreach loop variable named "________ALL_UPPER_CASE_WITH_LEADING_UNDERSCORES" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 782 - Localized builtin variable
_ ok 783 - Localized $\
_ ok 784 - Local lexical variable as C-style for loop variable named "________ALL_UPPER_CASE_WITH_LEADING_UNDERSCORES" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 785 - State variable as C-style for loop variable named "________ALL_UPPER_CASE_WITH_LEADING_UNDERSCORES" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 786 - Global variable as C-style for loop variable named "________ALL_UPPER_CASE_WITH_LEADING_UNDERSCORES" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 787 - Localized variable as C-style for loop variable named "________ALL_UPPER_CASE_WITH_LEADING_UNDERSCORES" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 788 - Localized builtin variable as C-style for loop variable vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 789 - Localized variable in another package as C-style for loop variable vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 790 - Local lexical variable, in I/O assignment in while loop, named "________ALL_UPPER_CASE_WITH_LEADING_UNDERSCORES" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 791 - Label named "________ALL_UPPER_CASE_WITH_LEADING_UNDERSCORES" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 792 - Exempted label named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 793 - Package named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 794 - Exempted package named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 795 - Package named "guaranteed_to_pass::a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 796 - Subroutine named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 797 - Exempted subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 798 - Subroutine named "Foo::Bar::a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 799 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 800 - Exempted local lexical variable in subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 801 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 802 - "our" variable named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 803 - Exempted "our" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 804 - "local" variable named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 805 - Exempted "local" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 806 - Local lexical variable as foreach loop variable named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 807 - State variable as foreach loop variable named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 808 - Global variable as foreach loop variable named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 809 - Localized builtin variable
_ ok 810 - Localized $\
_ ok 811 - Local lexical variable as C-style for loop variable named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 812 - State variable as C-style for loop variable named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 813 - Global variable as C-style for loop variable named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 814 - Localized variable as C-style for loop variable named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 815 - Localized builtin variable as C-style for loop variable vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 816 - Localized variable in another package as C-style for loop variable vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 817 - Local lexical variable, in I/O assignment in while loop, named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 818 - Label named "a11_lower_case_with_digits" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 819 - Exempted label named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 820 - Package named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 821 - Exempted package named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 822 - Package named "guaranteed_to_pass::A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 823 - Subroutine named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 824 - Exempted subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 825 - Subroutine named "Foo::Bar::A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 826 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 827 - Exempted local lexical variable in subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 828 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 829 - "our" variable named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 830 - Exempted "our" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 831 - "local" variable named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 832 - Exempted "local" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 833 - Local lexical variable as foreach loop variable named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 834 - State variable as foreach loop variable named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 835 - Global variable as foreach loop variable named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 836 - Localized builtin variable
_ ok 837 - Localized $\
_ ok 838 - Local lexical variable as C-style for loop variable named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 839 - State variable as C-style for loop variable named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 840 - Global variable as C-style for loop variable named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 841 - Localized variable as C-style for loop variable named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 842 - Localized builtin variable as C-style for loop variable vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 843 - Localized variable in another package as C-style for loop variable vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 844 - Local lexical variable, in I/O assignment in while loop, named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 845 - Label named "A11_UPPER_CASE_WITH_DIGITS" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 846 - Exempted label named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the ":no_restriction" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 847 - Package named "foobar" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 848 - Exempted package named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 849 - Package named "foo_guaranteed_to_pass_bar::foobar" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 850 - Subroutine named "foobar" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 851 - Exempted subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 852 - Subroutine named "Foo::Bar::foobar" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 853 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "foobar" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 854 - Exempted local lexical variable in subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 855 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "foobar" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 856 - "our" variable named "foobar" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 857 - Exempted "our" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 858 - "local" variable named "foobar" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 859 - Exempted "local" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 860 - Local lexical variable as foreach loop variable named "foobar" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 861 - State variable as foreach loop variable named "foobar" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 862 - Global variable as foreach loop variable named "foobar" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 863 - Localized builtin variable
_ ok 864 - Localized $\
_ ok 865 - Local lexical variable as C-style for loop variable named "foobar" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 866 - State variable as C-style for loop variable named "foobar" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 867 - Global variable as C-style for loop variable named "foobar" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 868 - Localized variable as C-style for loop variable named "foobar" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 869 - Localized builtin variable as C-style for loop variable vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 870 - Localized variable in another package as C-style for loop variable vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 871 - Local lexical variable, in I/O assignment in while loop, named "foobar" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 872 - Label named "foobar" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 873 - Exempted label named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 874 - Package named "fooXYZZYbar" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 875 - Exempted package named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 876 - Package named "foo_guaranteed_to_pass_bar::fooXYZZYbar" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 877 - Subroutine named "fooXYZZYbar" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 878 - Exempted subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 879 - Subroutine named "Foo::Bar::fooXYZZYbar" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 880 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "fooXYZZYbar" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 881 - Exempted local lexical variable in subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 882 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "fooXYZZYbar" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 883 - "our" variable named "fooXYZZYbar" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 884 - Exempted "our" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 885 - "local" variable named "fooXYZZYbar" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 886 - Exempted "local" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 887 - Local lexical variable as foreach loop variable named "fooXYZZYbar" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 888 - State variable as foreach loop variable named "fooXYZZYbar" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 889 - Global variable as foreach loop variable named "fooXYZZYbar" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 890 - Localized builtin variable
_ ok 891 - Localized $\
_ ok 892 - Local lexical variable as C-style for loop variable named "fooXYZZYbar" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 893 - State variable as C-style for loop variable named "fooXYZZYbar" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 894 - Global variable as C-style for loop variable named "fooXYZZYbar" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 895 - Localized variable as C-style for loop variable named "fooXYZZYbar" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 896 - Localized builtin variable as C-style for loop variable vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 897 - Localized variable in another package as C-style for loop variable vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 898 - Local lexical variable, in I/O assignment in while loop, named "fooXYZZYbar" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 899 - Label named "fooXYZZYbar" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 900 - Exempted label named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 901 - Package named "xyzzy" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 902 - Exempted package named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 903 - Package named "foo_guaranteed_to_pass_bar::xyzzy" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 904 - Subroutine named "xyzzy" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 905 - Exempted subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 906 - Subroutine named "Foo::Bar::xyzzy" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 907 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "xyzzy" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 908 - Exempted local lexical variable in subroutine named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 909 - Local lexical variable in subroutine named "xyzzy" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 910 - "our" variable named "xyzzy" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 911 - Exempted "our" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 912 - "local" variable named "xyzzy" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 913 - Exempted "local" variable named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 914 - Local lexical variable as foreach loop variable named "xyzzy" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 915 - State variable as foreach loop variable named "xyzzy" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 916 - Global variable as foreach loop variable named "xyzzy" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 917 - Localized builtin variable
_ ok 918 - Localized $\
_ ok 919 - Local lexical variable as C-style for loop variable named "xyzzy" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 920 - State variable as C-style for loop variable named "xyzzy" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 921 - Global variable as C-style for loop variable named "xyzzy" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 922 - Localized variable as C-style for loop variable named "xyzzy" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 923 - Localized builtin variable as C-style for loop variable vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 924 - Localized variable in another package as C-style for loop variable vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 925 - Local lexical variable, in I/O assignment in while loop, named "xyzzy" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 926 - Label named "xyzzy" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 927 - Exempted label named "bLaHlAhLaH" vs the "foo.*bar" capitalization scheme.
_ ok 928 - Builtin variables and variables in other packages are exempt.
_ ok 929 - Test customization example in the Capitalization POD passing.
_ ok 930 - Test customization example in the Capitalization POD failing.
_ ok 931 - no lint
_ 1..931
_ ok
_ All tests successful.
_ Files=138, Tests=2533, 40 wallclock secs ( 0.76 usr  0.26 sys + 64.68 cusr  3.92 csys = 69.62 CPU)
_ Result: PASS
_ 2016-05-24T15:08:12 [INFO] [master] finished testing : 1
_ 2016-05-24T15:08:12 [INFO] [master] sending result to server at (status: 1)